Project news

MoreThanAJob reinforces its support for vulnerable groups in Lebanon thanks to a new agreement

Through the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Lebanese ministry of social affairs get engaged in the implementation of proje…

Project news

Med Pearls insights on women inclusion in digital Tech-Tourism in Palestine

Increase women’s participation in training on digital technologies in tourism and enhance access to technology.

Project news

INTERNISA in Palestine trained 60 women in digital skills

ActionAid Palestine (AAP) celebrated the graduation of participants in digital training in the tourism and textile sectors.

Project news

SIRCLES in Tunisia trained NEETs and women on composting and organic agriculture

Tunisia Ecotourism launched the first specialized training in Composting and Organic Agriculture in Tunisia for 92 NEETs and women from the Bizerte region between November 202…

Project news

Skills4Sports in Italy celebrates World Sports Day

Local athletes and young get together to learn about Skills4Sports and workout outdoors

Project news

YEP MED reinforces the cooperation and development of more efficient logistics Port communities

“The joint work of the training centres with companies in the sector is a fantastic result of the YEP MED project, which is contributing to …

Project news

MedRiSSE took part in Blue Solidarity Economy event

Our project offers opportunities to enhance this new concept that merges the opportunities of the Sustainable Blue Economy with the benefits of the Social and Solidarity Economy

Project news

MoreThanAJob supports Syrian families in increasing their income

Through providing training, raw materials, equipment and marketing focusing on dairy products from sheep´s milk.

Project news

SAVE THE DATE: EMPHASIS launches the 1st of May its Call for the Identification of Open Innovation Opportunities

EMPHASIS introduces the top sustainable priorities to be addressed by SMEs in its Open Call, which will result in at least 80 Open Innovatio…