Project news

Co-Evolve4BG in Tunisia involves stakeholders to identify main barriers to sustainable coast management

This workshop focuses on the second pilot area in Tunisia that covers Hergla-Monstir.

Project news

[MEDISS] Europe is calling: have your say on soil health!

The European Union launchesa public consultation to support preparation of a future EU Soil Health Regulation.

Project news

ARTOLIO presents olive tree varieties and why they matter, Issue 1 - Picual Variety

It is a known fact among our peers that the differences in taste and the amount of polyphenols provided in our olive oils come from the olive tree variety. In this article and…

Project news

GIMED: 8 start-ups in Egypt will benefit from a 7,500€ grant to consolidate their business models

Alexandria Business Association organized two grant pitching events, one for ideation stage and the other for early-stage ventures on the 25…

Project news

AQUACYCLE in jubilant mood with the tidings from Lebanon

This latest chapter of AQUACYCLE My Autobiography brings news about the award of tender for my construction in Lebanon.

Project news

MED4EBM in Lebanon is looking for a Project Manager

Submit your CV and motivation letter to, deadline 2nd September 2022.

Project news

GIMED: 7 entrepreneurs will attend the SANA's Fair 2022 in Bologna

A total of seven beneficiaries will participate in the SANA 2022 as an opportunity to network and set up new B2B connections.

Project news

AQUACYCLE looks forward to share scientific advances at international symposium

Hosted by the Lebanese University, the event will take place from 22 to 24 September 2022