Project news

15 April 2020
NAWAMED: why the use of non-conventional water resources is “a must” in Italy?

Italy ranks first in the EU for water abstraction for urban water supply. Besides drastic measures to minimize leakages, the use of non-conventional water resources has to be…

Project news

15 April 2020
Palestine: BEEP project to support the energy rehabilitation of the Morcos Nassar Palace

The Morcos Nassar Palace hosts “Ma'an Lil Hayat”, an organization that brings together people with and without intellectual disabilities to engage in creative textile-art…

Project news

15 April 2020
The MED-InA project in times of Covid-19 pandemic

A glimspe of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the MED-InA project and on the waste management sector.

Project news

14 April 2020
Energy efficiency: pilot sites of BERLIN project in Israel

In the framework of the BERLIN project, two schools respectively located in the city of Eilat and in the region of Eilot, will become independent form the energy standpoint.

Project news

09 April 2020
AQUACYCLE: interviews with water stakeholders in Lebanon

Listening in to stakeholders’ needs and expectations in Lebanon's wastewater treatment sector brought into focus several stark realities on the ground!

Project news

09 April 2020
NAWAMED: nature-based solutions to support ecosystem services

Members of the NAWAMED team have recenlty published an article in the “Journal of Environmental Management” on the role of Nature-Based Solutions to support ecosystem services.

Project news

08 April 2020
Tunisia: NAWAMED to implement living green walls for greywater treatment and reuse

The Municipality of Tunis has shown its interest in installing a pilot green wall for greywater treatment in the Medina due to the high visibility in terms of citizens awarnes…

Project news

08 April 2020
BEEP: first meeting held in Lebanon

LCEC met with officials from the Municipality of Tripoli in order to discuss further the cooperation within BEEP, a project tackling energy efficiency challenges in heritage buildings.

Project news

07 April 2020
Microplastics: COMMON project puts marine species under observation

Mullet, sardines, mussels and bogues: these sentinel species will be placed under the lenses of the COMMON scientists to assess the presence of marine litter.