Project news

MYSEA in Italy is about to start its course on the Blue & Green Economy

The courses will start on December 12, 2022. Register now! After the theoritical training, participants will have the opportunity to do an on-the-job training at local produc…

Project news

RESMYLE in France: becoming a (young) eco-ambassador of the coast at the Calanques National Park

One year later, we have asked ourselves what happen with the young eco-ambassadors, wondering whether the training helped them find a job or…

Project news

ESMES in Spain: School Energy rehabilitation in La Ribera County!

The CPEE Miquel Burguera school of the Sueca municipality will benefit from the energy rehabilitation by ESMES in Spain!

Project news

ARTOLIO presents: Integrated Crop Management in Olive Cultivation

Ehud Soriano, ARTOLIO partner from Israel and agronomist, has worked with the farmers and the partners of the project to create a list of recommendations that should be consid…

Project news

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG prepares its project closure

The training provided was helpful to guarantee a good project closure.

Project news

GreenBuilding partners met in Tunisia to discuss on the energy renovation works!

GreenBuilding partners met in Tunisia to improve the energy efficiency of the Mohamed-Kassab Institute of Orthopedics building!

Project news

GreenBuilding participates in the Beirut Energy Week 2022!

University of Patras and Moukhtara Municipalty, partners of the GreenBuilding project, participates in the Beirut Energy Week 2022!