Project news

CLUSTER4GREEN: Meet the pitching competition winners of the Green Innovation Days 2022 held in Beirut, Lebanon

The CLUSTER4GREEN project launched a pitching competition for MSMEs in partnership with Berytech. 29 MSMEs applied to the call to participat…

Project news

Hands-on workshop in Oristano brings ENSERES partners together for better wetland management

A key event for ENSERES: in Oristano, Italy, partners from Tyre and the Gulf of Gabes meet the Maristanis project and its integrated governance model for the coastal-marine ar…

Project news

Ras al-Ain in Tyre to become a model of sustainable tourism thanks to ENSERES

Knowing, preserving and promoting of one of the most ancient sites of the Mediterranean basin: ACE, the Association for the Community and the Environment, starts off its proje…

Project news

In Lebanon ENSERES supports the Lebanese Committee for the Safeguard of Tyre and its project focused on the young generations

Making new the ancient Tyre: in Lebanon ENSERES subgrant helps the community to raise awareness needed to…

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG starts its participatory approach to improve sustainable coast management

Each partner shared the characteristics of each pilot area and the impact of human activities in it.

Project news

CEOMED in Greece participated in Beyond 4.0, the International Innovation Exhibition

It was a good opportunity for the Greek partner to promote CEOMED work among journalists and other universities.

Project news

REUSEMED in Spain sets up interactive urban points to raise awareness of reuse

As part of the project, various structures have been set up in central areas of Cordoba to ease the exchange of items and food donations.

Project news

NAWAMED: Rainwater, an available water resource to be better exploited!

Interview to Ahmed Ghrabi, Researcher and General Director of the Center for Water Research and Technologies, Tunisia.

Project news

Five Mediterranean countries gathered in Palermo, Italy, to discuss the future of Sustainable Tourism

On 27th of September 2022, in conjunction with the United Nations World Tourism Day and in the beautiful city of Palermo, Italy, CISP organi…