Project news

PROSIM project named winner of the Energy Globe Award 2022 for its work in fighting water scarcity

In total, organisations from more than180 countries participated in the 23rd edition of the Energy Globe Award.

Project news

Co-Evolve4BG in Italy is working on preparation training with local actors in the Circeo National Park.

One of the objectives is to promote tourist activities with lower impact on the environment.

Project news

BEEP in Palestine agrees with public entities to support the energy renovation of heritage buildings

These agreements were signed in “Memorandums of Understanding” during an event organised by the Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation (C…

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, flashback on outcomes and results of the latest B2B event concerning grazed woodlands held in Beirut

In this article an overview about topics addressed and main comments collected from participatns concerning the lastest Brokerage event held…

Project news

COMMON project marks World Maritime Day with a stand and a presentation

On September 30th COMMON partner INSTM marked World Maritime Day 2022 with a stand and a presentation on marine litter at Tunis City of Sciences

Project news

Project news

Project news

Project news

Lebanon: SEACAP 4 SDG will support the Municipality of Jdeideh El Shouf in the update of its energy plan

The Lebanon partner signs the agreements for supporting Municipalities in the update of local energy plans