Project news

GREENinMED workshops on Energy and Water Management in the Tourism Industry in Israel

The Israeli GREENinMED partners invite you to join two workshops (in person or online) on Innovative Water and Energy Solutions for the Tourism Industry, on May 23rd and 24th.

Project news

MED-InA in Tunisia supports Debrasy, a social inclusion project through waste sorting

2nd business prize from the jury led by the Lab’ess incubator, Debrasy is a company that makes motorcycle carts available to independent collectors (and sorters) of recyclable…

Project news

INVESTMED award grants for the development of incubation and acceleration programmes for entrepreneurs and start-ups

The EU-funded INVESTMED project has selected business support organisations in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia to award grants for the developmen…

Project news

RESMYLE: From workshops to eco-incubators, inspiring NEETs

Thanks to RESMYLE, Amal is taking the plunge to start her own green business venture in Tunisia!

Project news

Mediterranean SMEs meet the SME4SMARTCITIES consortium in Italy

SME4SMARTCITIES partners met in Genoa, Italy to discuss the progress done by the SMEs involved in the Mediterranean challenges

Project news

Project news

iHERITAGE highlights the Importance of Education to Bridge Cultural Legacy and Innovation

iHERITAGE sheds light on its focus on Mediterranean socioeconomic challenges by offering a platform to demonstrate new economic growth trends for SMEs in the cultural sector

Project news

Med Pearls insights on women inclusion in digital Tech-Tourism in Palestine

Increase women’s participation in training on digital technologies in tourism and enhance access to technology.

Project news

PPI4Med in Jordan explains how SMEs can participate in innovation ecosystems

In Jordan, 85 % of the companies are SMEs, hence the need to reinforce their relationship with research centres and universities.