Project news

GREENinMED Information Pill on HYDRAO Water Conservation Solutions

New GREENinMED publication presents innovative solutions for water conservation created by HYDRAO.

Project news

CRE@CTIVE received 81 proposals for its call for subgrants from MSMEs, artists and designers across the Mediterranean

The CRE@CTIVE call for ideas drew a remarkable 81 submissions! The team are now evaluating and selecting the best 16 proposals.

Project news

From Lebanon MEDSt@rts encourages the development of non-traditional funding programs in the Mediterranean

The challenges and results of the project were presented in the 3rd Microfinance Crossborder Forum on March 30th.

Project news

CROSSDEV in Jordan: locals bring their tourist services in the Umm Qais’ archeological site

Thanks to CROSSDEV, a new agreement with the Department of Antiquities gives locals the chance to get directly in touch with tourists

Project news

The power of collaboration, ARTOLIO and the case of Konstantinos and Christina Strivakos of the Kalamata region, Greece

Due to the increasing effect of global warming on the fields, farmers all over the world have felt the need to adapt to the new conditions o…

Project news

The Med Pearls Slow Travel tips of the month - April!

Let us guide you through yet more interesting tips and locations of the Mediterranean region!

Project news

TECHLOG project partners up with the Ministry of Transport and Logistics in Tunisia

The Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents TECHLOG to public stakeholders and policy makers as an opportunity to upgrade the road freight transport sector in Tunisia

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: the Chamber of Chalkidiki in Greece supports organic agriculture in the Mediterranean

Find out more details in the interview with Mrs Apostolina Tsaltampasi, President of the Greek Association of Business Women (SEGE) and Dire…

Project news

GREENinMED Information Pill on Energy Storage as a Service

The GREENinMED project has just released a new Information Pill on Energy Storage as a Service, and its potential uses in the tourism industry.