Project news

U-SOLVE in Cyprus works on entrepreneurship ecosystem mapping in Nicosia

This will be done through collecting data, conducting interviews, and organizing discussions with relevant people to find solutions for urban sustainable development involving…

Project news

INTECMED in Western Greece receives 20 proposals from entrepreneurs and innovators

Most proposals address issues related to e-health, environment, e-commerce, agriculture, and ICTs.

Project news

GIMED: Riblum, a Tunisian start-up recycling dry palm leaves to produce wood for furniture

Malek Hadded is the young entrepreneur behind this project, selected by Conect to develop its green business model.

Project news

RESET: Job opportunity for a graphic designer in Palestine!

Leaders International opens a call for proposals to create the branding materials for the project. Deadline for applications is 17th of April 2022.

Project news

IPMED in Jordan launches the “protect your idea” initiative to raise awareness about intellectual property rights

IPMED organised a dialogue with young people to discuss about the importance of raising awareness of intellectual rights

Project news

Spain: Medartsal contributes to recover the environmental and economic value of Salina Marchamalo

The MedArtSal project has selected the project of ANSE (Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste) to recover the abandoned saltpan of Marchama…