Project news

TRANSDAIRY brings together a cross-border community of researchers, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in Tunisia

The TRANSDAIRY innovators got vouchers for 8 prototypes, 2 co-publications, and 2 co-patents. The dream has just begun, stay tuned for more.

Project news

U-SOLVE works on how their urban hubs can collaborate on Mediterranean cities´challenges

Namely on waste management, improving blue infrastructures and urban transport.

Project news

Med Pearls interview: An expert's view on Slow Tourism in Catalonia.

Check-out the following interview with Beth Cobo, a Med Pearls expert on sustainable tourism in Catalonia that provides us her insights on slow tourism in the Mediterranean.

Project news

MED-Ina in Jordan supports Gold Sands, a vermicomposting farm project

1st place winner of the ideas category, project “Gold Sands” creates resources from waste by using worms to convert organic waste from existing farms into vermicompost, thus a…

Project news

Project news

New collaborations and entrepreneurial inititives in Italy in the framework of BESTMEDGRAPE

Two young entrepreneurs started a partnership to create new products in line with the BESTMEDGRAPE principles of circular economy and the enhancement of resources, combining t…

Project news

The Amman Chamber of Industry organizes the First Open Day and Workshop to present the CLUSTER4GREEN project

Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI) organized the first open day and workshop on November 14, 2022 to launch the ENI CBC MED European project…

Project news

RESTART MED! and the Regenerative Tourism: contributing to the wellbeing of the community conference.

Regenerative Tourism: contributing to the wellbeing of the community conference.

Project news