Project news

BERLIN as a case study of ‘Near Zero Energy Buildings’ (NZEB)

The BERLIN project was presented as a case study in the postgraduate course on NZEB of the University of Cyprus

Project news

Innovation and circular economy in BESTMEDGRAPE: the scientific basis

Do you want to know the scientific background of the BESTMEDGRAPE project? Read the researches that support the new entrepreneurial initiatives granted by the ENI CBC MED prog…

Project news

REUSEMED in Tunisia promotes the reduction of organic waste at household level

A workshop to promote the practice of individual composting was organised on Thursday 22 February 2023 at the Cité des Sciences in Tunis.

Project news

Capannori, the start of composting for bars and restaurants thanks to REUSEMED Project

The municipality of Capannori fosters organic waste management to bars and restaurants through incentives such as tax cut.

Project news

Med-EcoSuRe launches a call for tender in Tunisia for the supply and installation of a rooftop solar photovoltaic system

Specialized companies are invited to participate and submit their offers by March 13th, 2023

Project news

Plastic Busters CAP organizes in Egypt the national training on marine litter monitoring and mitigation measures

The training, to take place in the city of Marsa Matruh on 1st and 2nd March 2023, targets the marine litter practitioners from Egypt.

Project news

MedRiSSE’s platform grows among actors from the social and solidarity economy ecosystem

A new webinar to harvest learnings and knowledge as one of the activities of the MedRiSSE project took place on Monday 20th of February 2023 to present the new features and of…

Project news

CLUSTER met again in Jordan to renew their commitment towards social inclusion in the Mediterranean

This meeting was an opportunity to reinforce cooperation among partners and celebrate joint achievements.

Project news

MoreThanAJob workshop in Jordan

Public Authorities and NGOs got to know the outcomes and the results of the 2 sub-grantees in Jordan and the developed national policy´s briefs in the field of unemployment and education.