Project news

SIRCLES in Jordan completed its first training on waste management

The first training of the SIRCLES project has been completed in Jordan, a project that aims to produce organic fertilizers through recycling of organic waste from hotels in th…

Project news

REUSEMED in Jordan shows real examples of reuse circuits

During the working days, the attendees learned about the circuits installed in the four participating cities and visited those already in operation in the municipality of New Deir Allaa in Jordan.

Project news

CROSSDEV unveils name and payoff of its new brand for sustainable tourism

We are proud to introduce you “Hidden Mediterranean. Where Cultures Meet” our soon-to-come digital platform!

Project news

FruitFlyNet-ii introduces its novelties to local farmers in Argolis, Greece

In a meeting organized by the research team of Agricultural University of Athens, lead beneficiary, with olive groves' owners participated in the development of the proje…

Project news

Circular economy: INNOMED-UP Consolidation Workshop and the 5th Steering Committee took place in Prato, Italy

After many months of distant cooperation and on-line meetings, the time has come for the Partnership of INNOMED-Up to meet in person in the …

Project news

NAWAMED: the Province of Latina (Italy) presented the nine Environmental Contract processes

The aim of the workshop was to identify funding opportunities and discussing perspectives to start synergies and collaborations

Project news

International workshop in Manfredonia in July 2022: ENI CBC Med funded COMMON and Plastic Busters together to focus on marine litter impacts.

The ENI CBC Med-funded COMMON project and Plastic Busters CAP, with the support of the Union for the Medi…

Project news

Launching of the NEX-LABS NEXUS Driven Community For Water, Energy and Food in Lebanon

The Living Labs are a great initiative being brought forward to Lebanon and the region under the NEX-LABS project, that intends to establish an open space that brings together…

Project news

MedTOWN in Greece: "Cosmopolitanism is one of the keys to the project"

The trip to Greece has been featured on July 2022 newsletter edition of Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP), lead beneficiary of MedTOWN.