Project news

20 May 2020
How can MedTOWN project help adressing the negative effects of COVID-19?

COVID-19 is hitting specially hard in the Mediterranean region, and vulnerable communities are due to suffer the health and econiomic even harder.

Project news

20 May 2020
MedSNAIL project progresses in time of COVID-19

MedSNAIL aims to valorise local agro-food products in order to preserve agro-biodiversity and intangible cultural heritage, empower local farmers towrads a more sustainable rural development.

Project news

20 May 2020
HELIOS project is looking for a Press Officer

The deadline to apply is 03/06/2020 at 1pm (Italy local time).

Project news

19 May 2020
How to reduce the impacts of COVID-19 on MEDISS project?

An online meeting was held to review and evaluate project progress during the outbreak of COVID-19 and to discuss mitigation measures to be followed.

Project news

19 May 2020
AQUACYLE: tender for audit services

AQUACYCLE partner "PSA-CIEMAT" is inviting interested parties to submit quotations until June 1, 2020 for the provision of audit services.

Project news

19 May 2020
The GIMED project is looking for an external auditor!

Interested applicants are invited to submit their bids before 1st of June 2020..

Project news

18 May 2020
CLIMA: new waste composting facility to be implemented in Mahdia, Tunisia

The new waste treatment facility will be implemented under the CLIMA project in the area of the Mahdia prison and foresees the involvement of inmates in sorting and composting…