MedArtSal project helps revitalize artisanal saltpans of Anfeh, Lebanon

Once a flourishing business in Lebanon, traditional coastal salt production is facing harsh competition from imported salt and is threatened by the development of commercial touristic resorts, which represent an easier source of income for the owners of the salt ponds. 

The fully artisanal practice now only survives in the seaside town, Anfeh, around 70 kilometres north of Beirut. A dedicated group of local salt producers is working hard to perpetuate this tradition and keep it alive for future generations.

Through the EU-funded MedArtSal project, local salt producers have been provided with the necessary assistance to increase the quality and quantity of their salt production, including the installation of solar panels for clean energy supply. 

Additionally, the project has worked to improve the marketing and promotion of Anfeh's artisanal salt, which will help to increase the demand for the product both locally and internationally.

Finally, salt makers are being supported to diversify their business models by introducoing eco-tourism and other hospitality activities. 

In July 2022, we travelled all the way to Anfeh, Lebanon to meet some of the project beneficiaries: watch the video to learn more and visit the project websiste at