Project news

INTERNISA partners exchanged about their digital skills training experience

The Jordanian partner visited the Region of Central Macedonia in Greece and shared his experience about the implementation of digital skills training for women.

Project news

Plastic Busters Cap publishes the training material of the Workshop "Monitoring marine litter in environment and biodiversity"

The event was held in cooperation with the COMMON project on 13-14 July 2022 in Manfredonia, Italy.

Project news

DECOST participates in an awareness campaign on sustainable tourism and shows the importance of the Circular Economy and Composting

The purpose of the event was to inform the local community of the Municipality of Aigialeia, in Greece, a…

Project news

Containers to reuse and donate food in Cordoba markets thanks to REUSEMED project

Sadeco, Spanish lead beneficiary of REUSEMED project, has promoted a project to facilitate access to food for the most needy families.

Project news

Sustainable MED Cities outlines the role of cities in the energy balance during the 13th South East Europe Energy Dialogue

Its intervention outlined the role of building-cities in the energy balance and emissions as key elements of sustainability.

Project news

MYSEA in Italy launches a tender for logistics and implementation of workshops

CIES Onlus is looking for an external service to provide training courses - the core activity of MYSEA Project - in the Lazio region (Italy). Deadline: 01.08.2022

Project news

MED-QUAD in Jordan is bidding to equip the Applied Research for Cultural Heritage Exploitation living lab

Al-Balqa Applied University launches a tender to equip the Applied Research for Cultural Heritage Exploitation living lab. Deadline: 01/08/2…

Project news

CEOMED offers a lab position for a six-month contract

The position is looking for one researcher with an MSc degree in Environmental Engineering or related field of knowledge. Deadline to apply: 10/08/2022