Project news

INVESTMED makes strides in creating new, sustainable business opportunities

The 4th Steering Committee meeting of the EU-funded INVESTMED project reviews achievements made so far and looks ahead to next steps, with collaboration and commitment from al…

Project news

RESET identifies 19 EU-funded projects supporting sustainable businesses identified to extract key learnings

An online webinar was held last Tuesday 31st of May as a kick-off for the participatory process to create shared knowledge.

Project news

SIRCLES in Lebanon launches a call for tenders to equip the pilot in Hbaline village - Jbeil

The Rene Moawad Foundation is launching a call for tenders to procure and equip a composting plant at Hbaline village – Jbeil District, Mount Lebanon Governorate with equipmen…

Project news

CEOMED project started its pilot in waste management in Sfax, Tunisia

Sellers at the fruit and vegetable open market were very collaborative in sorting waste and the first result of the pilot is promising towards producing a good fertiliser.

Project news

Project news

GREENLAND event in Jordan to promote training opportunities for green jobs

It was an opportunity to present the project to representatives from several ministries, universities, local & international organizations, and the national press, under t…

Project news

Tunisia: Plastic Busters Cap project is looking for an external auditor in Tunisia

The Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer I.N.S.T.M, based in Salammbô, Tunisian partner of Plastic Busters CAP project, launched a call for for an externa…

Project news

CLUSTER launches a survey about the labour market needs of young people, women and socio-economic operators

Do you want to help make the future of the Mediterranean more inclusive and green? Fill our the survey.

Project news

MedBEESinessHubs in Egypt is hiring an Evaluator

The Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA) is looking to hire an External Evaluator to carry out independent evaluation of the MedBEESinessHubs project progress as well as its capitali…