Project news

“Extra Virgin Olive Oil is not a luxury, or at least it shouldn't be”, Demetris Taliotis, ARTOLIO beneficiary from Cyprus

Local market has always been a fundamental pillar in the sector, providing farmers with consumers that we…

Project news

MAIA-TAQA in Egypt is holding a training session on Resource-efficiency Solutions: PV systems design, battery storage and more!

Egyptian partner, CEEBA, organizes a 40-hour training course for Engineers, future and present, on Resour…

Project news

COMMON project takes part in “INFO DAY” event organised by Plastic Busters MPAs

The project will take part in a special event organised by Plastic Busters MPAs, on April 21st 2022 in Rome.

Project news

U-SOLVE in Greece invites young and women entrepreneur to implement initiatives supporting Sustainable Development Goals

IED institute and e-Trikala hold an event presenting U-SOLVE project to the public and inviting new and existing start uppers to join

Project news

MAIA-TAQA highlights best practices that implement the principles of resource efficiency technologies in WEF-CAP and CARISMED projects

The Greek Centre for Renewable energy Sources and Saving - CRES aims to inform, analyse and disseminate n…

Project news

GIMED: 31 sustainable entrepreneurs joined the coaching workshops in Tunisia

Participants who complete the training will participate in a competition with a chance to win a 7.500€ grant to support their business development.

Project news

YEP MED reinforces the cooperation and development of more efficient logistics Port communities

“The joint work of the training centres with companies in the sector is a fantastic result of the YEP MED project, which is contributing to …

Project news

FruitFlyNet-ii in Greece is hiring an agronomist

The Agricultural University of Athens launches a call for the recruitment of an agronomist with professional experience in olive fly and Med fruit fly treatment. Deadline for applications: 3rd of May 2022.