GreenBuilding project: #5 Newsletter

16 February 2022 - 12:51

The Jordanian partner of SOLE presents the energy efficiency measures that will benefit a school in Madaba

Mohammad Alkhalafat, Engineer at Royal Scie

16 February 2022 - 12:10

Open call for hospitality businesses in France to receive free sustainability consultancy as part of the GREENinMED project

The French GREENinMED partner Capenergies launched a 3rd call for applications to receive an Innovation Voucher, open until February 28th, 2022. 

One of the objectives of the GREENinMED project is to reduce water and energy consumption by 10% in the hotel industry through the development of new products and services.

16 February 2022 - 10:50

Sustainable MedCities - 1st Newsletter_January 2022

16 February 2022 - 10:38

CLUSTER is looking for an external auditor and a communication consultant in Jordan

Business Development Center (BDC), one of the partners of the CLUSTER Project, is looking for an external auditor in charge of expenditure verification and a communication consultant in Jordan. Interested applicants are invited to submit their bid before 23 February 2022 at 5:00 p.m. (Amman Time) for the position of external auditor, and 7 March 2022 at 5:00 p.m. (Amman Time) for the communication consultant position, following the instructions laid down i

15 February 2022 - 16:30

SEACAP 4 SDG together with MeetMED and Efficient building projects to present proven solutions in energy efficiency for buildings

SEACAP 4 SDG, in cooperation with meetMED project and Interreg MED Efficient Buildings Community, are organizing a Joint Euro-Mediterranean workshop entitled “Innovation & Impact: Good Practices in Energy Efficiency for Buildings in Mediterranean Cities” on February 24th, 2022.

The workshop will present a panorama of replicable tools and methodologies promoting energy efficiency in buildings to the attention of local authorities as well as local, regional and national energy agencies.

15 February 2022 - 12:12

GreenBuilding: Tips to reduce energy consumption in an office building!

GreenBuilding support three cost-effective energy refurbishments of public buildings across climatic zones (Greece, Tunisia, Jordan) using renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.  GreenBuilding enhances and promotes an ecological use of public buildings, abiding by their traditional use and social role in the community, identifying cost-effective approaches to energy refurbishment! 

How can users contribute to these efforts? What can building users do to reduce energy consumption in an office building?

15 February 2022 - 10:51

Spain: Salinas de Chiclana and MedArtsal project embark on the journey to promote sustainable cosmetics

In the town of Chiclana (Cadiz, Spain), the salt pan of Santa María de Jesús and the ALEMA collective continue their journey to utilise the natural resources of salinas for health and leisure purposes. In the words of Francisco Flor from ALEMA, this project funded by MedArtSal aims to “complete the circle of harnessing the resources provided by salinas”.

15 February 2022 - 09:59

MedArtSal event: Towards a sustainable development of salt flats in the Mediterranean

The ChambreTuniso-Italienne de Commerce et d’Industrie, with the cooperation of all the MedArtSal consortium, is inviting you to the next fair of th

15 February 2022 - 08:46

BERLIN’s smart online tool for integrated energy systems in buildings

BERLIN project aims to implement cross-border pilot measures to support innovative and cost-effective energy rehabilitations in public buildings based on the nano-grid concept, the building block for smart micro-grids. The project focuses on increasing grid penetration, combined with energy storage and demand-side management, along with enhancement of energy efficiency in buildings.

15 February 2022 - 06:43
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