GreenBuilding project: #4 Newsletter

14 February 2022 - 15:22

GIMED: MonSapo, a Tunisian start-up recycling oils and ashes to produce ecological cleaning products

The use of waste cooking oil (WCO) as a reagent alternative product ensures their transformation from harmful products into beneficial ones.

14 February 2022 - 12:21

CLUSTER joins the Forum of Mediterranean Worlds in Marseille together with 60 projects proposing solutions to contemporary Mediterranean issues

On 7 and 8 February 2022, CLUSTER participated in the Forum of Mediterranean Worlds, an event gathering more than 150 young people from both shores and 60 projects.

14 February 2022 - 11:55

RESET is looking for a Project Manager in Barcelona!

The Regional

14 February 2022 - 10:34

MED-InA 2022: a crucial year to consolidate a Zero Waste approach in 3 Mediterranean cities

Content only available in French

Carcaixent en Espagne, Irbid en Jordanie, La Marsa en Tunisie : 3 villes aux profils démographiques et socioéconomiques variés. 3 villes pilotes engagées dans le projet MED-InA pour expérimenter des approches Zéro Déchet, dans le but de mieux gérer leurs déchets, et surtout de les réduire.

11 February 2022 - 18:12

The SEACAP 4 SDG project is looking for staff in Italy

ANEA, the Italian partner of the SEACAP 4 SDG project, is looking for two experts (project manager and communication manager) to support the implementation of the project.

The deadline for applications is 18th February 2022.

For more information, please see the vacancy announcement here (in Italian).

11 February 2022 - 15:23

"I joined because the idea behind it was truly commendable", Dimitrios Psathas, beneficiary of ARTOLIO, on the purpose of the project

The ARTOLIO project has always taken pride in choosing beneficiaries and farmers that are conscious of the importance of olive oil for the Mediterranean way of life. Because olive oil and olives are not only part of the traditional Mediterranean diet but it is also a sign of culture, something that belongs primarily in the south of Europe.

11 February 2022 - 14:05

Form to request the use of the sample dyeing service provided by CETTEX

11 February 2022 - 12:22

FISH MED NET in Tunisia organised a National Round Table on opportunities and constraints of Public–Private partnership#12

The round table held on Saturday, December 04, 2021 at the Higher Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Bizerte, organized by the Association Tunisienne pour le Développement de la Pêche Artisanale was an opportunity to bring together representatives of the General Instance of Public Private Partnership, the Agency of Ports and Fishing Facilities, the Technical Center of Aquaculture, the Interprofessional Grouping of Fishery Products, the Tunisian

11 February 2022 - 12:03

FISH MED NET in Tunisia meets two entrepreneurs in the field of microalgae #11

The experience of two private farmers in the field of microalgae was presented.

11 February 2022 - 12:01
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