INTECMED promotes its call to boost technology transfer in Tunisia (Arabic)

24 January 2022 - 16:10

INTECMED in Tunisia promotes its call for innovation in Hammamet on 4 January 2022

24 January 2022 - 16:09

INTECMED promotes its call for innovation in Tunis on 10 January 2022

24 January 2022 - 16:08

Newsletter 2

24 January 2022 - 14:38

Newsletter 3

24 January 2022 - 14:36

STAND Up!: Green Fashion turns waste of fabric from textile factories into high quality products in Egypt

When going for shopping, most people probably think about certain numbers: How much does this shirt cost? Which discount will I get in today’s sale? How many pairs of socks do I need to buy to get a deal?

24 January 2022 - 11:54

HELIOS' Tales: trainees tell about Km 0 principle&green concepts in restaurants and online marketing

HELIOS project looks at Circular Economy as an opportunity to strengthen Social Inclusion of young people and unemployment women in the Mediterranean Region.

How Circular Economy can create new job opportunities?  

Let's ask to HELIOS trainees!

Watch the video and enjoy Maria Teresa and Alberto's interview, two participants in the first edition of the HELIOS "Blue and Circular Economy, Entrepreneurship and Soft Skills" course held in Sicily (Italy).

24 January 2022 - 09:48

RESTART MED! official roll-up

23 January 2022 - 21:26

RESTART MED! official poster

23 January 2022 - 21:24

How a historical site wins its gamification opportunity: lessons from MED GAIMS

When it comes to the conceptualization and the development of the gamified ideas, multiple factors were taken into consideration. Key factors were chosen to help narrow down the ideas and create a compass for the brainstorming of the gamified experiences. Important factors included: physical characteristics of the sites, type of visitors, visitor’s nationality, cost of game development, cost of operation and maintenance, and linking the games to local businesses.

22 January 2022 - 13:31
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