
26 January 2022 - 14:49

LIVINGAGRO investigates ecological and agroforestry practices used to attract tourists looking for sustainable holidays: a case study from Sardinia

What are the ecological and agroforestry practices used by Mediterranean agroforestry entrepreneurs in order to attract tourists looking for sustainable holidays?

26 January 2022 - 14:18

“All our commercial activity is aimed to support women, sustainability and the modernization of the fields”: ARTOLIO beneficiary 'Syndianna of Galilee'

The ARTOLIO project's main purposes are to promote social inclusion, the modernization of the working process in the fields and to support those farmers who are willing to sell their products outside of their local markets.

26 January 2022 - 14:15

InnovAgroWoMed explains rural social innovation and how to train and accompany 140 women in the agrifood sector

Presentation by Marco Buemi, senior expert in networking and raising awareness (CAWTAR - Tunisia), in the margins of the MedTOWN International Seminar on Social and Solidarity Economy, today 26 January 2022.

26 January 2022 - 13:50

Tunisie: Participation de TRANSDAIRY au Salon méditerranéen de la production animale et des produits agricoles

Participation de TRANSDAIRY  au salon méditerranéen de la production animale et des produits agricoles (PAMED 2021)  du 30 Novembre au 03 Décembre 2021.

26 January 2022 - 11:35

RESMYLE in Lebanon invites you to participate in a new workshop on Ecology!


26 January 2022 - 10:36

MED-InA en Tunisie raconte comment accompagner des porteurs de projets de 'économie circulaire

Retour en images et témoignages sur le BootCamp organisé par l'incubateur Lab'ESS: 14 projets « finalistes » de l'appel à projets MED-InA avaient été présélectionnés par le Lab’ESS et invités à participer à un « bootcamp » (un atelier participatif, les 8-9 novembre 2021). Pendant 2 jours, les 14 projets (21 participants) se sont rencontrés dans une belle ambiance, ce qui leur a permis d’identifier des synergies entre eux, et de s’encourager mutuellement entre acteurs d’une économie circulaire encore « de niche » à Tunis.

26 January 2022 - 10:35

AQUACYCLE Brief Overview_European Court of Auditors (ECA) presentation

26 January 2022 - 10:19

AQUACYCLE Cross border dimension and benefits_European Court of Auditors (ECA) presentation

26 January 2022 - 10:18

HELIOS' Tales: Gaza youth learn how to value waste and discover the potential of Blue Economy

Creating opportunities and promoting social inclusion in a rather difficult historical period is the great challenge that HELIOS is facing in all the territories involved in the project. Even more in the Gaza Strip, HELIOS acts to offer opportunities for unemployed young people and women.

The main mission of HELIOS project is to do it in Mediterranean region through the Blue and Circular Economy channels.

26 January 2022 - 10:17
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