'Social innovation & public policies in the Mediterranean' panel at MedTOWN International Seminar on Social Innovation & Inclusion

The first panel 'Social innovation & public policies in the Mediterranean' at MedTOWN International Seminar on Social Innovation & Inclusion was held on 26th January 2022, hosted by Georgia Karavangeli, Director of MedTOWN project at Assembly for Cooperation for Peace (ACPP).

01 February 2022 - 15:35

Keynote speech MedTOWN International Seminar Social Innovation & Inclusion

Keynote speech by Mikael LEYI, Secretary General of SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation at the International Seminar on Social Innovation & Inclusion of MedTOWN project "Co-production of social policies with social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion" for the International Seminar on Social Innovation & Inclusion on 26th January 2022.

01 February 2022 - 15:34

CROSSDEV - Youth engagement in the development of sustainable tourism in Palestine

As part of the activities of the CROSSDEV project, Palestinian Heritage Trail trains local youth on the subject of sustainable tourism.

Learn more about our activities in this video!

01 February 2022 - 11:28

MED4EBM in Tunisia trains on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries for Kneiss islands´ stakeholders

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM), Tunisian partner of MED4EBM conducted a training on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) in Sfax, Tunisia between the 25th and 27th of January 2022. Twenty participants representing stakeholders of Kneiss Islands attended the training.

01 February 2022 - 11:26

TEX-MED ALLIANCES webinar: presentation of the health textile digital cluster in the Mediterranean

The EU-funded TEX-MED ALLIANCES project has launched a new tool to boost the competitiveness of textile enterprises. In this case, the goal is to help the production of healthcare textile products through a cluster that connects that industry.

The Health Textile Digital Cluster in the Mediterranean, based on a powerful digital platform, aims to become a space for relationships and support for companies involved in this type of production in the Mediterranean basin.

01 February 2022 - 11:06

MYSEA in Tunisia participates in a day of reflection on professional integration issues

Content available only in French

L´ONG, CIES en Tunisie et l’Union Tunisienne de Solidarité sociale (UTSS), partenaire tunisien du projet MYSEA, ont été à la tête d’un événement qui a regroupé les principaux partenaires en Tunisie qui œuvrent dans le domaine de l’économie verte, bleue et circulaire et dont parmi leurs missions celle d'assurer l’inclusion économique des jeunes qui sont sans emploi, ne poursuivent pas d'études et ne suivent pas de formation  (NEETs en anglais), des femmes en Tunisie.

01 February 2022 - 09:06

INTECMED extends its call to promote technology transfer through an incubator programme

INTECMED is launching an incubator programme to foster technology transfer across the Mediterranean, and specifically in the following regions: Western Greece (Greece), Andalusia (Spain), Tunisia, and Alexandria Governorate (Egypt).

The incubator programme offers:

31 January 2022 - 17:39

Strategies for the protection of the sustainable tourism: how to capitalize on previous experiences with RESTART MED!

8 projects from 5 different funding programs, 5 regions and 7 project beneficiaries: these are the numbers of the meeting organised on January 27th by CISP, lead partner of RESTART MED!

31 January 2022 - 17:09


31 January 2022 - 15:20

A story of tradition and taste: discover ARTOLIO’s farmers Jean-Louis and Jean-Baptiste Moretti, from Corsica

Bringing innovation to a sector as traditional as the agricultural field is one of the main objectives of the ARTOLIO project, as it is for its participants. However, the richness of tradition is something that must be preserved and treasured, for it is tradition that gives unique flavor and personality to olive oil.

31 January 2022 - 13:26
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