MEDISS project at the event for the International Night of Geography 2021

The MEDISS project "Mediterranean Integrated System for Water Supply" at the event "Raccontare il Territorio. Narrazioni Geografiche a confronto - Describing territories: A comparison of geographical narratives", one of the appointments of the International Night of Geography 2021.

21 April 2021 - 16:49

Greece: INTECMED project is looking for a financial manager

The Chamber of Achaia, based in Patras (Greece), has published an open call of interest to select a Financial Manager for INTECMED Project and invites interested parties (private persons, legal entities, unions) who meet the requirements to submit a bid for this position. 

  • Contractor: Chamber of Achaia
  • Category: External subcontracting services in INTECMED Project

The deadline for submitting bids is on 10th May 2021 at 11:00 pm CET.

21 April 2021 - 16:33

Skills4Sports project launches online survey for NEETs and key stakeholders in sports industry in Greece

TREK S.A. and the Development Agency of Evia have launched an online survey addressing NEETs and key stakeholders in the sports industry in Greece.

21 April 2021 - 13:49

GIMED: Talia, an organic farm that produces vegetables using renewable energy in Palestine

Talia Organic Farm is a sustainable project that is receiving training in Palestine t

21 April 2021 - 10:26

STAND Up!: Successful training on green business model development set up the lines to scale textile and fashion ideas

STAND Up! has organized the first Training of Trainers, an event which was held from the 6th to the 12th of Apr

20 April 2021 - 17:24

60 young men and women participated in YEP MED port logistics trainings in Beirut

The EU funded project YEP MED set its anchor in Port of Beirut community. The YEP MED five days training targeting Lebanese youth took place between 12 till 16 April 2021 in Beirut within the objective to shape Lebanese youth skills in port logistics arena and ensure a better employability and job opportunities in Lebanon.

20 April 2021 - 14:45

Med Pearls project issues guidelines on innovative practices for the promotion of tourist destinations

With the goal of helping tourism agents in the promotion of “slow tourism destinations”, the Med Pearls project issues a new publication: ‘Guidelines on the Most Innovative Practices on Promotion & Commercialization of Tourist Destinations'. A research that aims to reach knowledge on the most current and innovative strategies to promote destinations, and that could latter be applied to slow tourism destinations. 

20 April 2021 - 14:07

[MedEcoSuRe] Get to know the team behind SMARTNESS, a micro-grid platform for energy generation and trading

SMARTNESS (Smart Micro-grid plAtfoRm wiTh an eNergy managEment SyStem) is a Micro-Grid Platform, for energy generation and trading, installed at the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT) in the framework of Med-EcoSuRe project.


20 April 2021 - 11:52

YEP MED Project supports the economic inclusion of Mediterranean women

The YEP MED project works towards the bettering of the economic conditions of young people around the Mediterranean by improving their employability and adding to the repertoire of their Blue Skills. On top of this, an emphasis is made on the inclusion of women in the training and internship programmes. Women have always had a more difficult road in the professions of the logistics and transport sectors, and this was further solidified by the consequences of the pandemic.

20 April 2021 - 07:41

LUMSA university is seeking a Project Research Fellow for the EU-funded INVESTMED project

Libera Università degli Studi Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma (LUMSA University) partner of the project “InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean (INVESTMED), announces a grant for a research fellowship in the scientific disciplinary sector SECS-P/01 “Political Economy”, for the implementation of project activities. The costs related to the research fellow are to be considered a “staff cost” within the project budget.

19 April 2021 - 14:13
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