YEP MED develops new digital training methodology based on virtually simulated enterprises

Practice makes perfect. There is no doubt about it. Historically, educational models that incorporated experiential and real-life experiences have proven to be more successful. Currently many professions already employ experiential training approaches – learning-on-the-job, internships, and fellowships are only some examples. As we enter the during and post-covid reality, however, in-person practical experience is becoming harder to attain. 

13 April 2021 - 08:36

MED GAIMS is applying the concept of experiential tourism to enrich a traditional archeological site visit in Jordan

Experiential tourism is a contemporary tourism concept that seeks to enable the tourist to coexist with the hosting community. The mechanisms within this concept integrate different touristic experiences, such as historical tourism, rural tourism, community based-tourism, in one experience regardless of geographical distances. This allows for more interactions between tourists and the locals along diverse aspects such as food, culture, daily activities and even customs and traditions. 

12 April 2021 - 18:20

U-SOLVE project supports businesses for a sustainable development in the Mediterranean - Find out how

With U-SOLVE Sicily becomes the leader and operational reference point for business cooperation between Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt

12 April 2021 - 17:17

GIMED: Fishing nets transformed into a line of ethical products in the fashion sector

“Our goal is to regenerate all the   nets  no   longer   repairable   resulting   from   fishing   on   the   territory   of   Mazara   del   Vallo”. That is the key idea behind this Italian-based project that is taking part of the training provided by GIMED project.

12 April 2021 - 12:57

Egypt: MAIA-TAQA to implement 100 kWp on-grid photovoltaic solar plant at Alexandria "El Ameria Wholesale Market"

The Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA), Egyptian project partner, has successfully awarded and signed a contract with OneraSystems for its MAIA-TAQA tender for the design, installation and commissioning of an on-grid PV solar plant of 100 kWp including battery storage in the Alexandrian pilot area, El Ameria wholesale market.

12 April 2021 - 10:45

FruitFlyNet-ii is looking for a network engineer in Greece

The Agricultural University of Athens, Lead Beneficiary of FruitFlyNet-ii project, in order to support its activities is seeking for:

A Network Engineer

The candidates must hold a MSc in Wireless Sensor Networks and ideally have professional experience in the above domain.

Applications can be submitted until 22 April 2021 (13:15 Athens local time).

For the full profile description and application procedure (in Greek) click here

10 April 2021 - 11:48

Italy: MEDSt@rts selects the 15 aspiring entrepreneurs for the incubation process

After a first phase of support and pre-treatment, the MEDSt@rts project identified 6 women and 9 men who, in the coming months, will develop their business ideas and get up to 10,000 euros of financing.

09 April 2021 - 17:04

EU-funded YEP MED introduces the Port Community scenario to Italian students in Sustainable Mobility

Civitavecchia, 9 April - The first vocational training course of the YEP MED project, funded by the ENI CBC Med European programme, has ended in Civitavecchia. The three-day course, coordinated by Escola Europea Country Manager, Marco Muci, together with the Port Authority of Civitavecchia, was held remotely with 43 students from the ITS Sustainable Mobility of Ortona.

09 April 2021 - 12:47

CLIMA - Awareness-raising events for the benefit of schools and youth centers in Mahdia in Tunisia

The content is only available in French.

09 April 2021 - 11:48

PPI4MED Living Lab on Innovation Procurement leaflet

09 April 2021 - 09:09
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