Meet the MED-InA team: episode #7

Let's meet the people who are involved in the MED-InA project, the people who work daily for designing our Mediterranean cities zero waste models, the people who embody the MEDiterranean INtegrated Alliance on waste for cities and citizens!

10 March 2020 - 11:35

MoreThanAJob Newsletter First Edition February 2020

10 March 2020 - 09:18

MoreThanAJob e-Newsletter edition n. 1 now available!

In this first edition, discover project-related news, main activities, achieved milestones, next events and more!

ENJOY READING @ the following LINK !!!

(PDF Newsletter uploaded within the "Library - Documents section" of the project website)

10 March 2020 - 09:11

MED GAIMS: market survey aimed at acquiring expressions of interest for digital and analog game design

Fondazione Alghero – Musei Eventi Turismo Arte, partner of the MED GAIMS project, has launched a market survey aimed at acquiring expressions of interest from economic operators for the assignment procedure of a digital and analog game design service dedicated to the tourist/cultural sites identified in the city area and in the Park area of Alghero.

Deadline for receipt of expressions of interest is 13 March 2020 (12.00, Italian local time).

For more information, please visit the following link (in Italian)

10 March 2020 - 09:00

Jordan: BESTMEDGRAPE project presented to potential entrepreneurs

The launching ceremony and 1st local event p the BESTMEDGRAPE project in Jordan was held in 29th February 2020 in Amman.

08 March 2020 - 18:00

Job opportunity at the University of Cagliari under MEDISS project

The University of Cagliari, partner of Mediterranean Integrated System for Water Supply (MEDISS) project through its research centre CRENoS-CIREM, is hiring a technologist on a fixed-term contract basis.

The deadline for receiving applications is 16th March 2020Work location is Cagliari.

08 March 2020 - 13:00

[LIVINGAGRO] VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) is looking for a Research Assistant

The Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), Partner n. 5 of LIVINGAGRO project, is recruiting a Research Assistant for a professional mandate referring to the support of its coordination structure of the project.

06 March 2020 - 13:45

NAWAMED: water management, an important challenge for the Italian Municipality of Ferla

The Municipality Ferla is the pilot area in Sicily, Italy of the NAWAMED project, thanks to which it will test innovative solutions for integrating the use of the Non-Conventional Water resources into the water management system.

05 March 2020 - 17:30

Introducing Med-EcoSure Cross-border Living Lab initiative for energy renovations of university buildings

The core concept of the Mediterranean Cross-border Living Lab (MCbLL) under the Med-EcoSuRe project is that working with stakeholders can produce more effective innovative solutions.

05 March 2020 - 15:15

BEEP project: discover the Spanish pilot “Palau de Calatayud” in Valencia

The Valencian Regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana) has signed an agreement with the Valencia Institute of Building (IVE) so that the Palau de Calatayud becomes the Spanish pilot of the BEEP project. This building, located in València (Spain), meets the conditions required in the framework of the project in terms of size, improvement potential and heritage value.

05 March 2020 - 12:13
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