MoreThanAJob Factsheet

03 March 2020 - 09:55

Private-public cooperation to encourage socio-professional inclusion: start of the MoreThanAJob project in Italy

Encouraging the development of cooperation mechanisms between the Social and Solidarity Economy and the public administration to improve social services dedicated to vulnerable subjects to increase their opportunities for social and work inclusion: this is our main goal in MoreThanAJob!

03 March 2020 - 08:00

[MEDUSA] Save the Date! Cross-border Seminar on Mediterranean Adventure Tourism: 1-2 June, Amman (Jordan)

Cross-border Seminar on Mediterranean Adventure Tourism 
1&2 June 2020, Amman (JORDAN)

SAVE THE DATE! MEDUSA Project will host a “Cross-border Seminar on Mediterranean Adventure Tourism” directed towards tourism SMEs from Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Italy (Puglia) and Spain (Catalonia) on the 1-2 June 2020 in Amman (Jordan). 

What is in it for you? 

02 March 2020 - 19:12

Provision of external audit services for the expenditure and revenue verification of the TEC-MED project

Magtel Operaciones SLU, located in Cordoba (Spain), partner of the TEC-MED Project, invites interested parties to submit a proposal-offer in accordance with the specifications described in the call for interest “Provision of external audit services for the expenditure and revenue verification of the TEC-MED project”. 

02 March 2020 - 17:00

University of Sassari (Italy) is looking for a Project Manager to support the implementation of MENAWARA

University of Sassari - NRD Desertification Research Centre, Italian lead beneficiary of the MENAWARA project, is looking for a Project Manager.

The deadline for sending applications is 16th March 2020.

02 March 2020 - 08:09

[CROSSDEV] From a threatened mountain to a thriving protected area: the story of Jabal Moussa in Mount Lebanon

Located on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, at the crossroads between three continents – Asia, Europe, and Africa – Lebanon is home for a rich natural, social, and historical diversity. On the western slopes of Mount Lebanon, in the casa of Kesrouane, stands a mountain of 12,5 km2: Jabal Moussa, translated to “Mount of Moses”. Surrounded by villages at its base, Jabal Moussa rises as an isolated massif.

28 February 2020 - 20:15

Contract notice: organization of the Programme meetings

The Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Managing Authority of the ENI CBC Med Programmer, has launched an open procedure to select an economic operator in charge of organizing the meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committee and of the Task Force 2021-2027.

The deadline for the receipt of tenders is 30 March 2020 (12.00, Italian local time).

For more information, please visit this page (link in Italian).

28 February 2020 - 19:12

Energy efficiency: the Med-EcoSuRe project is looking for staff in Italy

ANEA, the Italian partner of the Med-EcoSuRe project, is looking for one junir expert in the field of energy audits to support the implementation of the project.

The deadline for sending applications is 9th March 2020.

For more information, please see the vacancy announcement here (in Italian). 

28 February 2020 - 18:30

Jean-Pierre Halkin, Head of Unit D1 in charge of Neighbourhood Cross-Border Cooperation at DG REGIO

28 February 2020 - 18:12

MED-InA project holds first Zero Waste workshop in France

The partners of the MED-InA project met in Miramas, France on the 20th of February 2020 on the occasion of the first Zero Waste workshop, organised by AViTeM.

28 February 2020 - 12:17
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