The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

FFN-ii: Training on Location Aware System (LAS) Advances

The training meeting on Location Aware System (LAS) advances took place in Mabrouka Society in Khlidia-Ben Arous, Tunisia on May 18, 2023. The last day of the project's 3rd consortium meeting took place in Tunisia, by the Olive Tree Institute and the Regional Research Centre on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture (CRRHAB), and within the framework of the FruitFlyNet-ii project. Participants in the training meeting were the partners’ personnel and the hosting partner was the CCRHAB research team.
Eleven e-traps baited with Ceratitis capitata male attractant were set up gradually, along with conventional delta ones in the peach experimental sites belonging to Mabrouka society in Khlidia-Ben Arous. Tests on the transmission of data from the field to the server have been carried out successfully but with some failures. The research team will continue working to improve the quality of the devices.

FFN-ii: Training in OliveFlyNet

The Training Meeting in OliveFlyNet took place in Athens, Greece on the 15th - 17th June 2022 within the framework of the FruitFlyNet-ii project. This was an in-person meeting, preceded by a one-day online meeting, organized by the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) and held on 24th February 2022. Participated to the meeting the technical teams of partners UCO UNIMOL, LARI, and IO.
The meeting was carried at the premises of the Agricultural University of Athens (organizing partner). The main objective was to provide a detailed technical description of the OliveFlyNet prototype, for both the e-trap and e-services, including practical training and field demonstration in the experimental site of AUA located in Koropi, Athens, Greece. The 3 days meeting was organized in 5 sessions: session A on OliveFly e-trap prototype, session B on OliveFlyNet Monitor Module; session C on OliveFlyNet Mobile GIS Module, session D on OliveFlyNet assisted e-services, and finally, in the last day session E on In-field demonstration.

FFN-ii: Project Demonstrations

FrutFlyNet-ii project deployed, optimized, operated, and demonstrated the two Location Aware (LA) prototypes, namely the OliveFlyNet for Olive fruit fly and the MedFlyNet for Mediterranean fruit fly, in the 8 wide-area sites (Olive: AUA, UCO, UNIMOL, LARI, IO, Peaches: UNIMOL, CRRHAB, Citrus: AUA. One of the most important task of the project was to perform a number of demonstration events (on average two demos per site). These were as follows: 3 demos were realized by AUA (Greece), 2 by UCO, (Spain), 2 by UNIMOL (Italy), 5 by LARI (Lebanon), 2 by IO (Tunisia) and 1 by CRRHAB (Tunisia). Noteworthy, that some of the demos of the partners AUA, LARI and IO were closely related with the Living Labs activities on e-trap innovations (LL1) and on e-services advances (LL2). Skill development evaluations via training during each demonstration were provided. Presentations, issues faced, suggestions collected from the stakeholders’ feedback, questionnaires, instruction guides, participants' lists, were also performed. Questionnaires' results about the suitability of LAS and its products obtained from the farmers/producers who were participated in the activities and used the system provided a fine Source of Verification (SoV) for the project outputs acceptability. Questioners, distributed at the end of the lifespan of the project reported positive, negative, neutral opinions, criticism, and possible adaptations. However, their feedback is generally more than encouraging.

Guide for clusters resetting to cross-border cooperation and access to financing tools

The guide aims to give an overview of the collaborative models developed in the framework of the CARISMED project, as well as to identify best practices from each participating city. The structure of the guide includes guidelines for implementing training programs for CCI innovative SMEs, clusters resetting for internal cooperation and external cross-border cooperation best practices.
The training programs in each participating cities have been developed basing on the research activities carried out within WP4. This section of the Guide summarizes this experience
according to the SMEs specific needs in terms of training: Tailor-made programs, based on a solid need analysis, local-based, as each CCI fabric has its specificities, experiential learning approach, and concise programs.

IPMED: Policy Proposals for improving Intellectual Property Environment in Liguria in Italy

This deliverable presents the results of the working group in Italy.

The working group proposed to:
- Reduce the fragmentation of patent filing system and intellectual property litigation
- Train actions aimed at banking system employees to have the economic value of corporate patents recognized in credit applications.
- Increase the number of patents filed by women.

IPMED: Policy Proposals for improving Intellectual Property Environment in Thessaloniki in Greece

This deliverable sums up the work done by IPMED working groups in Greece.

The following policy proposals were suggested:
1. Training and certification of Patent Attorneys.
2. Training of Experts on issues of valuation of the Industrial Property Rights.
3. Improvement and upgrading of the patent protection system in Greece

IPMED: Policy Proposals for improving Intellectual Property environment in Jordan

The Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) took the lead in managing the project of developing intellectual property capacities to achieve sustainable and smart growth in Mediterranean countries, which was also implemented with similar institutions in Greece, Italy, and Tunisia as part of the Mediterranean Neighborhood Mechanism. The project's main objectives were to develop small and medium-sized businesses in the industrial and service sectors, promote economic and social development, support emerging projects and creative and entrepreneurial ideas among youth and the women's sector.

One of the project's key goals was to analyze Jordan's intellectual property current policies and make recommendations to the relevant authorities in order to improve Jordan's intellectual property environment.

TRANSDAIRY Innovation & needs of Dairy Value Chain Report

Technical Report about the innovation potential and needs in the Dairy Value Chain (DVC). The results of this report are based on information collected through questionnaires in the Mediterranean region for the demand and offer of new technological solutions. The market needs novel solutions to address the modern challenges in the DVC. Stakeholders are willing to invest in new solutions. On the other hand, there are currently available technological solutions at reasonable prices for the DVC as well as the proper channels to introduce them to the market. Technology transfer and transborder cooperation is required for the wider adoption of novel technological solutions.

MoreThanAJob Interactive e-portal platform

An online multilingual structured database and an interactive space to foster dialogue and cooperation among local actors for the development of more inclusive and accessible services

TANSDAIRY Crossborder Brokerage Events

The TRANSDAIRY Crossborder Brokerage Events are gatherings designed to facilitate networking and collaboration among stakeholders in the dairy industry across borders. These events serve as platforms for participants to explore potential partnerships, exchange knowledge, and foster innovation within the dairy sector.

TRANSDAIRY Living Lab HandBook

The TRANSDAIRY Living Lab Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide to the innovative and dynamic living laboratory dedicated to transforming the dairy industry. This handbook encapsulates the essence of the TRANSDAIRY Living Lab, offering a detailed overview of its mission, objectives, and methodologies. It provides a glimpse into the collaborative efforts and cutting-edge research conducted within the living lab, showcasing its role as a hub for experimentation, knowledge exchange, and sustainable dairy practices.