Co-Publication: Gonçalves, A. & Dorsh, L. (2022) Mediterranean Heritage from the Sea and the Mountains

Project acronym:
Project title:
منصة متوسطية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والإتصالات من أجل التراث الثقافي لليونسكو
2.1 Technological transfer and commercialisation of research results
Title of deliverable:
Co-Publication: Gonçalves, A. & Dorsh, L. (2022) Mediterranean Heritage from the Sea and the Mountains
The publication is a joint publication from the Center of Competences of the Mediterranean Diet that involves the Municipality of Tavira and the University of Algarve. The number 3 of the Magazine was entitled: Identities and Heritage of the Mediterranean. We integrated the editorial board and published an article dedicated to the project.

The creation of the virtual script premise is based on a wide range of distinct experiences, traversing a path that connects a city, where our history is breathed, to the breathtaking lost villages of the Algarve interior. We incentive joining iHERITAGE virtual Route and the participation on the development of training, workshops, and living labs in the areas of culture, communication, and technology, where the team will demystify the idea that the Algarve is just a summer vacation destination and will seek to spread the light of cultural values and the reality that defines the pulse of the Algarve region's identity.
Keep Keywords:
Cultural heritage and arts
See the deliverable: