[MedArtSal] Les salines de Sfax-Thyna : biodiversité et écotourisme

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03 Août 2020 - 09:04

Le partenaire italien du projet MAIA-TAQA "Utilitalia" recherche un auditeur financier

Contenu disponible en anglais.

Utilitalia, partner of the MAIA-TAQA project, invites potential interested parties to submit a proposal for financial auditor in charge of expenditure verification.

MAIA-TAQA acts as a good practice example in the Mediterranean countries on dealing with Renewable Energy (RE) services, stimulating innovative processes, identifying current barriers and promoting innovative RE services. 

Deadline for submitting bids is Friday7th August at 20:00 Rome time.

03 Août 2020 - 08:56

MED GAIMS: sub-grant poster

03 Août 2020 - 08:55

[MEDISS] Discover the project through our first newsletter!

03 Août 2020 - 08:54

NAWAMED: appel d'offres pour la production de vidéos

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IRIDRA s.r.l., partner of NAWAMED project, has launched a call for tenders for the production and dissemination of a short film and interviews in relation to the project activities and goals.  

03 Août 2020 - 08:52

Appel d'offres ouvert: assistance technique pour le projet InnovAgroWoMed en communication, mise en réseau et sensibilisation

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29 Juillet 2020 - 16:26

TEX-MED ALLIANCES: nouvelles initiatives pour revitaliser l'industrie textile méditerranéenne à la suite de la COVID-19

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TEX-MED ALLIANCES project, as well as the partners involved in it, has obviously been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This virus has taught us the importance of working together in order to overcome life difficulties. Therefore we want to implement this lesson in our vision of the project: what started as a promising project for strengthening alliances among Mediterranean countries, now has even developed into a moral obligation. 

29 Juillet 2020 - 11:29

MEDSt@rts: SFIRS Spa (Italie) recherche des manifestations d'intérêt pour l'attribution d'un service d'assistance technique

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SFIRS SpA, Italian partner of the MEDSt@rts project, opens a pre-selective investigation aimed at collecting expressions of interest for the assignment of a service of technical assistance.

The operator's task will be to support the partner in the following services: management and control of project operational resources, coordination in the development of activities, physical and financial monitoring, preparation e participation in project meetings.

29 Juillet 2020 - 11:09

L'étude TEX-MED ALLIANCES souligne que la coopération est un moteur puissant de la compétitivité de l'industrie textile méditerranéenne

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

29 Juillet 2020 - 10:47

[CROSSDEV] Aqaba, une ville spectaculaire entre mer et montagne

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

Recently, the Jordanian government has been trying to retrieve the vitality of the tourism sector to attract tourists while providing them with a safe environment. Aqaba is the most important city for the attraction of tourists in the near future and will play an important role in activating tourism in addition to the restoration of investment operations in the city.

29 Juillet 2020 - 10:10
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