Project news

RESMYLE in Lebanon explores ecology in Kfarsir and surrounding villages

12 young NEETs are tackling the complex challenge of water supply and nature conservation in Lebanon, by identifying ecosystems and habitats and awareness-raising techniques

Project news

MYSEA highlights the high rates of youth unemployment in Mediterranean countries

Based on the Cross-Border analysis developed within MYSEA project, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan are facing high rates of unemployment. MYSEA aims at reducing thi…

Project news

HELIOS involves more than 3 000 young people and women in the employment needs analysis

The results of the employment needs analysis of young people and women from Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Greece, Palestine and Jordan are now available!

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Palestine supports 50 young people towards employment

By providing training in graphic design, digital marketing and life skills so that those young people have better chances to enter the labour market.

Project news

TEC-MED project begins the training of agents in Italy

UniCamillus International Medical University is going to start the training for the implementation of the TEC-MED Model.

Project news

MedTOWN is about to launch its call for subgrants to support innovative co-production proposals

With an available budget of 300 000 euros, MedTOWN partners agreed on the conditions to launch its calls for subgrants

Project news

Sales and a well-deserved medal for the beneficiaries of InnovAgroWoMed

4 beneficiaries of InnovAgroWoMed in Tunisia participated in the exhibition-sale "culinary walks" and attracted the attention of all visitors and the jury too!

Project news

The Escola to promote the YEP MED project during MedCat Days 2022 Conference

The Chief Business Officer of the Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport will promote the YEP MED project during this year’s MedCat days in Barcelona.

Project news

MoreThanAJob project 🌍 Newsletter 📰 #05

See how we are fostering social economy and public administration relation for a new community welfare