Project news

MYSEA in Italy is hiring a senior project manager

CIES ONLUS, Lead Beneficiary of MYSEA project, is looking for a senior project manager. Deadline for applications: 28.04.2022

Project news

The environmental and cultural jewel of Lebanon in ENSERES: Tyre Coast Nature Reserve benefits from innovative management tools

The Tyre Reserve hosts environmental, historical and artistic assets of enormous value. The ENSERES proje…

Project news

From Lebanon MEDSt@rts encourages the development of non-traditional funding programs in the Mediterranean

The challenges and results of the project were presented in the 3rd Microfinance Crossborder Forum on March 30th.

Project news

CROSSDEV in Jordan: locals bring their tourist services in the Umm Qais’ archeological site

Thanks to CROSSDEV, a new agreement with the Department of Antiquities gives locals the chance to get directly in touch with tourists

Project news

The power of collaboration, ARTOLIO and the case of Konstantinos and Christina Strivakos of the Kalamata region, Greece

Due to the increasing effect of global warming on the fields, farmers all over the world have felt the need to adapt to the new conditions o…

Project news

TEC-MED project’s Tunisian partner

The TEC-MED’s African stakeholder begins to access the target population in Tunisia by providing enough skills and tools for training agents involved in the project

Project news

TRANSDAIRY launches an open call for “Specialized Training for Intermediaries in the Dairy Value Chain” in Italy

Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” is launching a call for Specialized Training Sessions aimed to foster technology tr…

Project news

BERLIN - tender announcement for the supply and installation of a smart nanogrid in Eilat (Israel)

The deadline for submitting offers is the 16th of May 2022, 14:00 Israel time

Project news

MED-QUAD in Greece promotes universities-citizens cooperation in smart water use and cultural heritage exploitation

This is done through two living labs and city development groups developed in each participating country in the Mediterranean