“Layers of History”, a MED GAIMS analog experience in Spain: meet the team of developers

Vilanova i la Geltrú is not only the town where both Sergi and Àlex were born and have lived since, it is the town they know and love. During the first MED GAIMS Hackaton celebrated in Vilanova i la Geltrú in October 2020, Sergi and Àlex were the only analog game developers to be granted. Besides being set in the older quarters of town, their game, Layers of History, provided an easy-to-follow, yet interesting mechanics that had been thoroughly tested in other projects.

27 October 2021 - 18:03

iHERITAGE sheds light on the dynamics of UNESCO ecosystems for social solidarity, accountability, and awareness at the annual World Tourism Event

The Sicilian Tourism Department presented the iHERITAGE Project on the 24th of September at the FOCUS 2021 - UNESCO cities and sites-, which took place within the 2021 edition of WTE | World Tourism Event. 

27 October 2021 - 15:06

Blue Carbon in Salt Ponds: CO2 sink or source? A MedArtSal article

Salinas as other coastal wetlands have the ability to sequester organic carbon in their biomass and in the sediment. They are known as coastal blue carbon ecosystems. Blue carbon ecosystems remove CO2 from the atmosphere by storing carbon in their living biomass through photosynthesis. A part of biomass is incorporated into the sediment as detritus, where is decomposed slowly under anaerobic conditions.

27 October 2021 - 14:54

STAND Up! - Resportive, a project creating a new material from post-consume textiles

Resportive was born with the intention of creating a new material to make industrial sectors that generate textile waste, responsible for them.

The product is made using 100% post-consume material and post-consume medical waste.

It's one of the 40 projects selected to receive support through the training sessions in Spain, conducted by TEXFOR.

27 October 2021 - 13:38

STAND Up! - InfiniteAthletic, a project creating unity by joining tennis and sustainability

InfiniteAthletic is a start-up born in 2020 with the aim of recycling the ropes from tennis rackets and produce tennis sportwear.

With this idea they join sport and sustainability. They were one of the ideas selected by TEXFOR to join the training sessions and received further support to develop their green business model.

All the pick-up process from discarded ropes is done using an electrical vehicle and done by people at risk of poverty.

27 October 2021 - 13:29

STAND Up! - Circular to win, a start-up upcycling post-consume textile material to create bags

'Circular to win' is a circular fashion project that was selected together with 40 other entrepreneurs to receive support from training sessions conducted by TEXFOR.

They give job opportunities to women at risk of poverty by upcycling post-industrial and post-consume textile materials to transform them into bags, laptop cases and pursues.

27 October 2021 - 13:14

"Je voudrais renforcer mes connaissances dans le domaine agricole" Soumaya, bénéficiaire d'InnovAgroWoMed

En marge du programme de formation et d’accompagnement lancé par le projet InnovAgroWoMed dans ses 4 pays bénéficiaires (Espagne, Italie, Palestine et Tunisie), nous sommes allés à la rencontre de quelques participantes à la 

27 October 2021 - 13:09

Together for the Planet: ENI CBC Med Programme at European Union side event during COP26 Climate Change Conference

Join us on 9 November (6.30 pm-7.30 pm, CEST) for a session on climate & energy action organised as part of the European Union official programme of side events at COP26, the 2021 edition of the United Nations (UN) global climate summit.

27 October 2021 - 11:06

MEDUSA: Destination review in Jordan- Arabic version

27 October 2021 - 08:15

The second newsletter of MEDISS project is now online!

26 October 2021 - 23:29
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