MEDISS making progress on the water desalination pilot plant installation in the area of Wadi Araba, Jordan

In September 2021, Aqaba Water Company, MEDISS Jordanian partner, through its contractor, proceeded in the installation of a new component in the Al Risha Desalination Plant.

The new plant component consists of long-lasting reverse osmosis membranes that produce desalinated brackish water that will be used in irrigation and domestic use in the arid area of Wadi Araba, south of Jordan. 

19 October 2021 - 11:06

NEX-LABS A3 Poster - NEW (2021)

19 October 2021 - 09:46

LIVINGAGRO highlights the main challenges of the Lebanese agroforestry sector: an insight with Ms. Khawand of the SOILS Permaculture Association

Which are the main challenges Lebanese agroforestry is facing nowadays and what are the main difficulties as well as opportunities of the sector in reference to developing and implementing agroforestry projects in Lebanon?

18 October 2021 - 14:31

MoreThanAJob connects local actors to develop welfare services through its e-platform

 An online multilingual structured database and an interactive space to foster dialogue and cooperation among local actors for the development of more inclusive and accessible services

18 October 2021 - 12:21

CLIMA project boosts Tunisian awareness campaign against food waste

To mark the World Food Day, on the 20th of October the international ngo COSPE, partner of CLIMA project, will close a national awareness raising campaign in Tunisia aiming at fighting food waste.

16 October 2021 - 16:48

MedTOWN presented at International Seminar On Human Rights Educational Resources

MedTOWN project's 'The Phoenix Journey', a learning process for the coproduction of environmental and inclusion policies, was presented at 'Eskura Summit, III International Seminar On Human Rights Educational Resources: Pedagogical initiatives on environmental and human rights for citizenship'.

Eskura Summit of Eskura Centre was held in Kursaal Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain, on Wednesday, 2021 October 6th.

15 October 2021 - 14:21

TRANSDAIRY Entrepreneurship Training Program - Call for “Dairy-Preneurs” in Lebanon

As part of the TRANSDAIRY Living Lab activities, a series of Entrepreneurship Training sessions will be implemented aiming at building capacity for innovators, entrepreneurs and key enabling technology providers (KET) within the Dairy Value Chain sector.

15 October 2021 - 07:52

YEP MED : Engager les jeunes vers la filière maritime

14 October 2021 - 10:12

GIMED: A team of Mediterranean entrepreneurs to tackle food waste on the #WorldFoodDay

Jebreel Haj Salah from Palestine, a nature enthusiast, has for long advocated the importance of green solutions in agriculture. What upsets him most is the problem of products expiring early. “It is not only costly but also generates a lot of food loss and waste.”, states one of the entrepreneurs behind Dreez.

13 October 2021 - 13:41

InnovAgroWoMed in Spain provided training to women to better access the agroecology sector

JOVESOLIDES, member of the Consortium of the InnovAgroWoMed project in Spain, organized at the end of September 2021 the second meeting of "Semillas" (seeds in Spanish): a space for sharing and learning.

13 October 2021 - 11:40
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