MEDSt@rts, un projet pour les jeunes méditerranéens "non finançables"

Do you know that over 3 billion people in the world do not have access to the traditional financial system? Inclusive finance concerns the offer of products and services to all those people who because of their economic and social conditions do not have access to credit.

30 Mars 2020 - 11:07

AQUACYCLE : parution du premier bulletin d'information électronique

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

Message on behalf of the AQUACYCLE Consortium,

We are pleased to inform that our first AQUACYCLE e-Newsletter has been issued. If you missed out on receiving a copy in your preferred language: Arabic, English, French, Greek or Spanish, please subscribe here !

29 Mars 2020 - 11:11

Efficacité énergétique : premier bulletin d'information du projet BERLIN

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

It is our pleasure to share with you the first newsletter of our project “BERLIN – Cost-effective rehabilitation of public buildings into smart and resilient nano-grids using storage” and to inform you about the progress of its activities.

27 Mars 2020 - 13:30


27 Mars 2020 - 13:07


27 Mars 2020 - 13:06


27 Mars 2020 - 13:05

[CROSSDEV] La communauté locale de la biosphère

Contenu disponible unqiuement en anglais.

Two years after the founding of the Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa (APJM), Jabal Moussa and surrounding villages were designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2009 under the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme.

The MAB Programme inspired APJM to move from the classical approach to conservation, excluding people from the protected area, to a human-centered approach, inclusive of local communities.

27 Mars 2020 - 12:40

BERLIN première lettre d'information

27 Mars 2020 - 11:45

Découvrez les sites pilotes du projet BERLIN : site # 1 - Université de Chypre

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

27 Mars 2020 - 11:39

Coronavirus et modèle de protection sociale en Espagne : chronique d'une mort annoncée

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

Opinion article written by the coordinator of the TEC-MED project, Ana María Porcel, and published in the Spanish regional newspaper "El Correo de Andalucia" on March 21th

26 Mars 2020 - 11:57
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