MEDSt@rts: services d'audit externe pour la vérification des dépenses et des recettes à la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Sfax

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17 Avril 2020 - 16:26

BESTMEDGRAPE: ISPA-CNR (Italie) recrute un assistant de projet et un auditeur

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ISPA-CNR (Sassari, Italy), partner of the BESTMEDGRAPE project, is looking to fill in the following positions: 

17 Avril 2020 - 16:14

Auditeur financier du projet MedArtSal auprès du partenaire ADR, Liban

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MedArtSal project partner ADR Association for the Development of Rural Capacities is looking for a Financial Auditor to ensure compliance of expenditures under the project with the domestic law as well as their compliance with the Programme requirements and provisions of the grant contract, including the valid version of the application form.

17 Avril 2020 - 15:58

Projet MedTOWN: appel d'offres - recherche et évaluation de l'impact économique des actions de démonstration en Palestine et en Jordanie

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The Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG), Palestinian partner of MedTOWN project, announces the launch of service tender for the research and evaluation of the economic impact of the demonstrative actions that will be implemented by the MedTOWN project in Palestine and Jordan. In addition, research services on quantitative and qualitative research methods existing in Mediterranean Area is required.

17 Avril 2020 - 15:48

De nos assiettes à nos modes de transport : comment être plus respectueux de l'environnement ? Conseils du projet GIMED

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Dear confines,

During this period of confinement, in this time of distress and alert, let us not fall into discouragement. More than ever, we need to join forces and share our best ideas, initiatives and thoughts to reconsider our role as citizens of this planet.  

16 Avril 2020 - 17:37

Le partenaire égyptien du projet MAIA-TAQA "AASTMT" recherche un auditeur financier

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The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egyptian partner of the MAIA-TAQA project, invites potential interested parties to submit a proposal for financial auditor in charge of expenditure verification.

Deadline for submitting bids is ThursdayApril 30th. 

16 Avril 2020 - 10:37

[Med-EcoSuRe] Appel d'offres : fourniture et installation d'une plateforme de micro-réseau intelligent avec un système de gestion de l'énergie

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This call for tenders is launched as part of the "Demonstration and Realization" activity of Med-EcoSuRe project, and aims, through the acquisition of innovative technologies, to strengthen research and capacity building within the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT).


16 Avril 2020 - 10:14

[TEC-MED] Recommandations aux personnes atteintes de démence pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

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The period we are going through due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures we must adapt to protect ourselves is an unprecedented situation for all of us. All of this, of course, also affects people with dementia, who may exhibit more aggressive behaviors, over-stimulation, escaping tendencies and more behavioral problems.

16 Avril 2020 - 09:49

RESMYLE recherche son assistance technique à la coordination générale et la gestion administrative et financière du projet

Dans le cadre du projet RESMYLE, la CDE Petra Patrimonia lance un appel d'offre d'assistance technique pour l’appuyer dans la coordination générale et la gestion administrative et financière du projet.

16 Avril 2020 - 09:26

NAWAMED: pourquoi l'utilisation des ressources en eau non conventionnelles est "un must" en Italie?

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

15 Avril 2020 - 10:50
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