RESMYLE: inventaire des ressources pédagogiques sur l'environnement et le développement durable

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RESMYLE team is currently working on an inventory of educational resources on environment and sustainable development for young people from 18 to 24 years old. Our goal is to provide educators from social inclusion organisations with playful, easy to use and cheap resources in order to facilitate environmental awareness activities with NEETs. 

Are a social inclusion organisation interested to test those activities?

06 Avril 2020 - 18:30

Découvrez les partenaires du projet ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM!

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM is a project from ENI CBC Med Programme that aims to enhance agro-food alliances, promote business and SME development among Euro-Mediterranean economic clusters and stakeholders.

7 partners + 7 associated partners of both shores of the Mediterranean will join forces, under the leadership of the Jordan Ministry of Agriculture, to accomplish this great endeavor! 

06 Avril 2020 - 17:50

Le projet HELIOS sélectionne un auditeur externe en charge de la vérification des dépenses pour le partenaire 'COSVAP'

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

, Partner of HELIOS Project, has published a call for tenders to select the external auditor in charge of expenditure verification.

The deadline for the submission of bids is Monday, April 20th 2020, at 1.00 pm (Italy Local time).

The application must be sent by email to the following addresses:

06 Avril 2020 - 16:47

Beach litter monitoring for citizen science activities: manual

06 Avril 2020 - 15:57

Prestation de services d'audit externe pour la vérification des dépenses et des recettes du projet TEC-MED

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

Therapeutic Educational Center of Patras for People with Intellectual Disabilities, located in Western Greece, Project Partner 4 (PP4) of the TEC-MED Project, invites interested parties to submit a proposal-offer in accordance with the specifications described in the call of interest “Provision of external audit services in charge of expenditure and revenue verification to TEC-MED project”.

The deadline for submitting bids is the 10th of April 2020, 3:00 pm CET.

06 Avril 2020 - 14:00

MedArtSal : encourager une demande sociale pour préserver les marais salants en Espagne

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.


Salinas are an example of the complexity of Mediterranean landscapes, in which human, cultural and natural features are intimately linked and at the same time reciprocally dependent.

06 Avril 2020 - 11:52

Découvrez les sites pilote du projet Med-EcoSuRe : site #2 - Université nationale An-Najah, Palestine

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

Retrofitting measures for energy saving will be implemented in 9 university buildings of three Mediterranean universities. Here is presented the pilot sites of An-Najah National University, Palestine.


06 Avril 2020 - 11:29

CROSSDEV: un « plan d'urgence » pour faire face à la crise du Covid-19


06 Avril 2020 - 09:40

Projet MEDSt@rts et développement d'un nouveau modèle de soutien aux entreprises

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The impact of Covid-19 on the Mediterranean economy and productive activities will be important, especially in the most fragile areas and among the most vulnerable communities. It will therefore be necessary to identify innovative models and approaches to support businesses and create new ones.

06 Avril 2020 - 09:40

TEX-MED ALLIANCES contribue à assurer la production d'équipements de protection individuelle afin de lutter contre la pandémie de COVID-19

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The TEX-MED ALLIANCES project is currently working to assure the supply chain of textile sanitary materials that are highly demanded due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mapping the industrial capacities in terms of production of personal protection equipment, masks, protective gloves and glasses for medical use in the Mediterranean area.

03 Avril 2020 - 11:28
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