Jordan: ESMES is looking for a project engineer


Title: Engineer
Call open: 27-06-2021 Call close: 06-07-2021
Area of Service: German Jordanian University -GJU Campus, Madaba, Jordan
Contract Duration: 2 months under Probation, with possible extension until end of project.

Job Description

24 June 2021 - 11:27

Alaa Al Akash of Gadara cycling: working with CROSSDEV in Umm Qais, Jordan

Gadara Cycling is one of the small tourism projects recently established within the Umm Qais archaeological site in Northern Jordan to welcome local and international tourists. Lead by Alaa Al Akash, the business is now part of the CROSSDEV project’s network of tourism businesses working together in a joint approach to maximise Umm Qais' potential in offering tourists the best possible experience.

24 June 2021 - 10:46

INVESTMED: Call for trainees in Sustainable Business Management in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia

The EU-funded INVESTMED project is launching its training programme on Sustainable Business Management (SBM), aiming to positively impact start-ups and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the green, blue and creative & cultural industries.  

24 June 2021 - 10:38

Egypt: CRE@CTIVE project highlights significance of innovation for competitiveness of textile, leather, and footwear sectors

As one of the six countries targeted by the CRE@CTIVE Project on its aim to increase innovation in the traditional sectors in the med region, Egypt is considered a pioneer in the textile industry with a history that dates back to thousands of years. Through the different decades, the textile industry has prospered to become a major pillar for the Egyptian economic development.

24 June 2021 - 10:26

YEP MED NEWSLETTER : June 2021 | Issue 3

24 June 2021 - 10:03

SOLE in Italy presents its project to improve energy efficiency in public buildings in the Mediterranean

The Director of Anci Toscana, lead partner of SOLE Project, introduce aims and challenges of SOLE Project. 

23 June 2021 - 12:44

INTECMED is working to transfer and commercialise key enabling technologies in the Mediterranean

A few days ago, the project's partners met online at the 7th's monthly meeting. During this meeting, the consortium shared with each other next steps to move forward the technological ecosystem across the Mediterranean, some of these actions involved the following topics:

22 June 2021 - 14:33

The Directorate General of Antiquities - Lebanon is seeking to hire a financial manager for MED GAIMS project

As part of the MED GAIMS project, the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) - Lebanon is seeking to hire a financial manager for the project. This is a project funded by the ENI CBC Med Programme to promote gamification in tourism ( financial manager assignment should cover the period until the end of the project in 2022. Payment will be made in Euro. 

21 June 2021 - 19:29

Spain: MED GAIMS touristic gamified experiences tested by end-users

Health and technology, the revolution in the audiovisual media and the digital transformation of work are the themes of the three main days of the Mobile Week (mWeek) that will take place in Vilanova i la Geltrú. Neàpolis, an agency for innovation in technology, communication and creativity - partner of the MED GAIMS project - organized on 15th,16th and 21st of June three days on technology within the programming of the Barcelona Mobile World Congress. Eighteen towns throughout Catalonia offer activities linked to this annual world event.

21 June 2021 - 19:14

MEDISS desalination plant to increase water availability in Jordan makes significant progress

MEDISS Jordanian partner, the Aqaba Water Company is proceeding with the desalination plant for the Well of Risha, in Wadi Araba, in the pilot site of Aqaba Governorate. 

21 June 2021 - 16:41
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