MEDSt@rts entrepreneurship stories: Fabrizio Ariu (Italy)

Video presentation of the aspiring entrepreneurs involved in the MEDSt@rts project by Fondazione di Sardegna.

14 June 2021 - 16:49

MEDSt@rts entrepreneurship stories: Katia Luciani (Italy)

Video presentation of the aspiring entrepreneurs involved in the MEDSt@rts project by Fondazione di Sardegna.

14 June 2021 - 16:47

[RE-MED] Call for tenders: the Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment (Tunisia) is looking for an events agency

The content is only available in French

Le Ministère des Affaires Locales et de l'Environnement, partenaire tunisien du projet RE-MED, lance un avis de consultation national pour la sélection d'une agence évènementielle pour l’organisation d’un séminaire du 15 au 16 juillet 2021 dans le cadre du projet RE-MED, financé par le Programme IEV CTF Med.

14 June 2021 - 15:27

CLIMA - Call for the selection of a non-profit association in Tunisia

The content is only available in French

14 June 2021 - 15:24

REUSEMED project highlights need to develop reuse strategies in Mediterranean municipalities

REUSEMED partners shared several interesting practices on reuse that are being developed in Italy, Jordan, Spain and Tunisia by different entities. All these practices are shared with the intention to serve as an example for us in the project, to see which are the ones that stand out the most, in our humble opinion, and set in motion the necessary activities to copy their model in the the municipalities of Capannori (Italy), Córdoba (Spain), New Deir Allaa (Jordan) and Sakiet Ezzit (Tunisia). The workshop took place online the 8th and 9th of June.

14 June 2021 - 12:57

NAWAMED: experts selection to support the implementation of wastewater treatment pilot plants in Tunisia

The Centre for Water Research and Technologies - CERTE, Tunisian partner of NAWAMED project, has launched a call for tender for the selection of an architect or a group of architects to support the implementation of wastewater treatment pilot plants in Tunisia.

The deadline for submitting applications is 25th of June 2021.

14 June 2021 - 12:50

MoreThanAJob: Social and Solidarity Economy actors meet to apply for the project's sub-grants in Palestine

On Wednesday, June 09, 2021, Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) in cooperation with An-Najah National University (ANNU) in Palestine as technical partners of Mor

14 June 2021 - 10:27

YEP MED Storytellers - reflections on employability

This video shows excerpts from the interviews given by two students from the Institut Lluïs Cura at the end of the first YEP MED Vocational Training 2 course in Barcelona, Spain in May 2021.

14 June 2021 - 07:54

YEP MED Storytellers - reflections on the use of the English language

This video shows excerpts from the interviews given by two students from the Institut Lluis Cura at the end of the first YEP MED Vocational Training 2 course in Barcelona, Spain in May 2021.

14 June 2021 - 07:53

YEP MED Storytellers - reflections on YEP MED Mentoring

This video shows excerpts from the interviews given by two students from the Institut Lluis Cura at the end of the first YEP MED Vocational Training 2 course in Barcelona, Spain in May 2021.

14 June 2021 - 07:52
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