Tunisia: INTECMED project is looking for a financial expert

The National Agency for Scientific Research Promotion based in Tunisia has published a Call of Interest to select a financial expert for INTECMED Project and invites potential interested parties who meet the requirements to submit a bid for this position. 

21 June 2021 - 12:07

AQUACYCLE Presentation at 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration_10-13 June 2021

21 June 2021 - 09:36

NAWAMED: call for tenders to install a water treatment pilot plant at the University of Jordan

The University of Jordan, partner of NAWAMED project, has launched a call for tenders for selecting a construction company to perform the installation of the pilot plant at Al-Zahraa dormitory: a living wall, green facades and green roof for treating and reusing grey water.

The deadline for submitting bids is 5th of July 2021 (at 1:00 PM Amman time).

The provided services for the project is exempted from all taxes (including VAT).

21 June 2021 - 09:33

STAND Up!: Meet the 34 projects in the fashion and clothing industry selected in Egypt

A selection of 34 young green entrepreneurs with their sustainable fashion and textile ideas and projects are the result of the call coordinated by

20 June 2021 - 21:37

MEDSt@rts entrepreneurship stories: Ismail Hijazi (Lebanon)

Video presentation of the aspiring entrepreneurs involved in the MEDSt@rts project by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon.

19 June 2021 - 19:15

MEDSt@rts entrepreneurship stories: Mohamad Nasrallah (Lebanon)

Video presentation of the aspiring entrepreneurs involved in the MEDSt@rts project by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon.


19 June 2021 - 19:05

MEDSt@rts entrepreneurship stories: Rami Kanj (Lebanon)

Video presentation of the aspiring entrepreneurs involved in the MEDSt@rts project by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon.

19 June 2021 - 18:49

Lebanon: MAIA-TAQA project calls for a proposal for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant at the Industrial Research Institute premises

The Industrial Research Institute, partner of the MAIA-TAQA project invites you to take part in the Request of Proposal procedure for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant on its premises at Lebanese University Campus (Hadat), Lebanon.

17 June 2021 - 13:22

TEC-MED transcultural care model: an innovative approach to address elderly’s needs in Lebanon and Tunisia

The TEC-MED model is a theoretical framework that was developed through a thorough participatory process involving all partner countries in the project (Spain, Greece, Tunisia, Egypt, and Lebanon) which included a literature review and state-of-the-art assessment, structured interviews with stakeholders, and gap analysis.

17 June 2021 - 13:13

Presentation of the project MedArtSal in Spain on the occasion of the UN Sustainable Gastronomy Day, 18 June

After a year and a half of project implementation, the partner IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature has organized an event to present the activities achieved by MedArtSal and debate the future of artisanal salinas within the framework of the UN Sustainable Gastronomy Day.

17 June 2021 - 13:01
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