GIMED's leaflet

08 June 2021 - 09:11

YEP MED Storytellers – reflections on cross-border cooperation

This video shows the reflections on the benefits of the cross-border cooperation between European countries and its neighbours taken from interviews carried out in Barcelona as part of the YEP MED Vocational Training 2 and 3 course in May 2021.

08 June 2021 - 07:33

YEP MED Storytellers – reflections on sustainable transport in Europe

This video shows the reflections on sustainable European transport taken from interviews carried out in Barcelona as part of the YEP MED Vocational Training 2 and 3 course in May 2021. The interviewees - Yanitza Hernández and Kyrylo Berezka - were both 2nd year students of the Logistics and Transport Vocational Training degree at the Catalan Institute “Institut Lluïsa Cura”.

08 June 2021 - 07:32

YEP MED Storytellers – reflections on the 1st vocational training course

This video shows the reflections on the benefits of the YEP MED courses taken from interviews carried out in Barcelona as part of the YEP MED Vocational Training 2 and 3 course in May 2021. The interviewees - Yanitza Hernández and Kyrylo Berezka - were both 2nd year students of the Logistics and Transport Vocational Training degree at the Catalan Institute “Institut Lluïsa Cura”

08 June 2021 - 07:31

14 Mediterranean salinas selected for sub-grants within the project MedArtSal

The selection process of the salinas that participated in MedArtSal sub-grants call for proposal has been concluded. The final list of the awarded proposals in now available! Thanks to MedArtSal, 14 Mediterranean salinas in Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon will receive support to implement actions to diversify their business potential and increase environmental sustainability.

4 salinas awarded in Spain:

07 June 2021 - 13:59

Egypt: GIMED is opening a Head of Entrepreneurs position!

Alexandria Business Association (ABA), the Egyptian partner of GIMED, has announced an opening position to cover a recent vacancy within the organiza

07 June 2021 - 09:19

ESMES Lead Beneficiary is looking for a project coordinator

The lead beneficiary for the ESMES program is looking for a project coordinator based in Jordan – Amman.

06 June 2021 - 09:36

COMMON project: the University of Sousse opens two post doctoral positions

The University of Sousse, (Tunisia), as partner of the project COMMON “COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean Sea", co-funded by the European Programme ENI CBC MED, opens the call for applications for 2 post-doctoral positions. 


04 June 2021 - 17:21

Tunisia: MYSEA project is looking for a Socio-Economic Expert

The Tunisian Union of Social Solidarity, partner of the "Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the blue and green economy’ (MYSEA), is looking for a “Socio-Economic Expert"

The deadline for the submission of applications is 15.06.2021.

03 June 2021 - 21:13

Launch of the TRANSDAIRY project in Lebanon

The EU-funded TRANSDAIRY Project was launched in Lebanon on March 2021. TRANSDAIRY project aims to empower technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship in the dairy value chain and grow this ecosystem in 4 Mediterranean countries, including Lebanon.

03 June 2021 - 16:26
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