Italy: OENOMED project recruits two researchers

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Le ‘Centro di Viticoltura ed Enologia’ (CREA), partenaire du projet OENOMED « Qualification et Promotion des filières viti-vinicoles des Aires Protégées de la Méditerranée » financé par le programme IEV CTF Med 2014-2020, lance deux consultations publiques pour sélectionner deux chercheurs niveau III.

01 June 2021 - 09:16

Marcello Contu, Veghu and MEDSt@rts project on TG2 (Italy)

Marcello Contu, a young entrepreneur supported by the MEDSt@rts project, was interviewed by the Italian newscast Tg2 Dossier

01 June 2021 - 07:20

Tunisia: FruitFlyNet-ii is recruiting a technical and a communication manager

The Institut de l'Olivier, partner of Fruitflynet-ii

01 June 2021 - 00:02

MYSEA project is looking for a Senior Project Manager

The CIES ONLUS, lead beneficiary of the ‘Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the blue and green economy’ (MYSEA), is looking for a “Senior Project Manager”.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 18.06.2021.

31 May 2021 - 17:27

148 students join the first YEP MED fully digital international training in Barcelona, Tunis, Civitavecchia and Beirut

The first fully digital international training of the YEP MED (Youth Employment in the Ports of the MEDiterranean) project kicked-off last week in four different port communities: Barcelona, Tunis, Civitavecchia and Beirut. The training course finished on the 31st of May 2021.

31 May 2021 - 16:40

SOLE: Roll up - FR Version

31 May 2021 - 12:46

GIMED: Alexandria Business Association signs a cooperation protocol on green recovery with the Egyptian Government

Alexandria Business Association (ABA) and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development of Egypt (Planning) have signed a cooperation protocol on green recovery in the private sector.

31 May 2021 - 11:53

MED GAIMS in Jordan: I will through the dice and Tracing History will teach me

Tracing History is a board game with gridded squares containing written information and pictures about main features of the archeological site of Umm Qais. The board is connected to a sound system and screen that shows information and videos about features of Umm Qais. The game's main concept is to immerse tourists in the history of Umm Qais and help them learn and explore the historical features of Umm Qais while playing. 

30 May 2021 - 20:55

TRANSDAIRY supports the creation of spin-offs in Tunisia through entrepreneurship training sessions with emphasis on Bio/Nanotechnologies applied to the dairy value chain

The training sessions for entrepreneurship offered by the TRANSDAIRY project in Tunisia aim to support the transfer of Bio and Nanotechnologies applied to the dairy value chain (DVC) and to strengthen their business and market sophistication at national and international levels.

28 May 2021 - 20:26

Israel: ARTOLIO first meeting highlights technical and business challenges for olive oil producers

In the last two weeks we have found ourselves in a difficult situation. After we were already sure the Covid was behind us, at least in part, suddenly another crisis arose here, which all the members of the ARTOLIO project in Israel and Palestine had to struggle with.

The complex events that took place this time, not only in air combat but also in the streets between the people, caused hard feelings on both sides and a feeling that this time there is something different, deeper, scarier and more threatening than the previous times.

28 May 2021 - 18:44
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