LIVINGAGRO e-Newsletter - Edition n. 6, May 2021 EN

03 June 2021 - 14:10

TRANSDAIRY in Tunisia: stakeholders' views on the modernization of the dairy value chain

The Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab (ESIM) interviewed various groups of stakeholders : farmers, decision-makers, researchers, professionals in the fields of Bio/nano technologies ICT and dairy value chain. They expressed their views about the impact of the TRANSDAIRY project on the modernization of the Dairy Value Chain and its role in the empowerment of technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.

03 June 2021 - 13:52

CROSSSDEV celebrates World Heritage Day 2021 in Aqaba, Jordan

For CROSSDEV, World Heritage Day 2021 was the occasion, to spread awareness and increase the visibility, attractiveness, and promotion of historical sites around Aqaba (Jordan) and to learn how to preserve our rich heritage for future generations.

Project's partner JREDS – The Royal Marine Conservation Society – conducted a number of volunteers for a tour around the city to learn about its past and enjoy some live experiences.

03 June 2021 - 12:48

Co-Evolve4BG: Third Newsletter

03 June 2021 - 12:45

Italy: MYSEA project team enlarges! Meet Leonardo, a new Interreg Volunteer Youth

Leonardo Galletti is a young Italian graduate in Global Politics and International Relations at the University of Macerata. Being passionate for European territorial cooperation and social development, he has always been eager to share his knowledge to improve social inclusion of disadvantaged people. Furthermore, one of his greatest interests lay within the European project management, a sector which he is exploring with the aim to gain an in-depth expertise for his professional career.

03 June 2021 - 12:09

MYSEA project: a successful first semester towards increasing employability of youth, women and NEETs

The partners of the EU-funded project "Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and Women Advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the Blue and Green Economy – MYSEA" concluded the first semester with a marked success.

Significant efforts were made by all parties during this first stage to secure the most appropriate structure for the implementation of future activities

03 June 2021 - 11:50

[ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM] Jordan: Apply now for an intensive 5-day training on organic agriculture

The Jordan Ministry of Agriculture based, Lead Partner of the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project, has published a call for applications to select 10 operators, SMEs and innovative projects working in Jordan for an intense 5-day training course delivered by national and international experts in order to improve the skills in management, techniques, marketing, certifications, exports related to organic agriculture.

03 June 2021 - 11:45

Italy: TRANSDAIRY training sessions to develop entrepreneurship skills of dairy value chain stakeholders

Supporting technological transfer and commercialisation of research results in the Dairy Value Chain (DVC) is the TRANSDAIRY’s project priority.

02 June 2021 - 09:44

TEX-MED ALLIANCES project launches “Leftovers” Mediterranean platform on textile stocks

On Tuesday the 8th of June, the TEX-MED ALLIANCES project presents a great innovation: the initiative “Leftovers” dedicated to textile stocks. It consists of a new platform – based on a Facebook group and therefore very quick and easy to be used – to show stocks and establish contact between partners and members of the group.

02 June 2021 - 09:39

Greece: MoreThanAJob launches open call for sub-grants to promote social and employment inclusion of vulnerable groups

EUROTRAINING Educational Organization, partner in the European Project “MoreThanAJob – Reinforcing Social and Solidarity Economy for the Unemployed, Uneducated and Refugees”, implemented in the framework of the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, is launching an Open Call in

02 June 2021 - 08:53
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