MEDSt@rts: participation certificates´ceremony for Tunisian promoters of microfinance

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La Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Sfax a récemment terminé le cycle de formation d’une durée de 120 heures, au profit de 10 promoteurs de la microfinance dans le cadre du projet MEDSt@rts

26 May 2021 - 16:04

INVESTMED will support the training and skill enhancement of young entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean

Entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean are facing serious difficulties due to the pandemic and global economic crisis, but also because of red tape and excessive bureaucracy present in the region.  INVESTMED partners conducted two consultations, inviting ten of the most active and relevant Business Support Organizations (BSOs) in Lebanon and Tunisia. Over 35 key experts in Businesses and Enterprising discussed how young entrepreneurs, especially in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI), and the Blue and Green economy can be supported.

26 May 2021 - 11:14

NAWAMED: Survey on the potential for greywater separation and reuse in Italy, Tunisia, Jordan, Malta, Lebanon

26 May 2021 - 10:18

Med-EcoSuRe develops a methodology for participatory energy planning in university buildings

The Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania and the Energy Research Center of An Najah National University, introduced a design methodology on planned interventions of participatory energy retrofit in Mediterranean university buildings, in a research work published in Sustainable Mediterranean Construction journal.

25 May 2021 - 12:50

MEDSt@rts, Lebanon: 15 young entrepreneurs selected to participate in the final phase of the project

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon identified 15 beneficiaries who will develop their business ideas and get up to 10,000 euros of financing.

The initial Call for applications was announced in July 2020 and, in recent months, the Lebanese partner has accompanied a larger group of participants in the first phase of pre-treatment.

24 May 2021 - 20:04

Contract notice: technical assistance for on-the-spot checks and Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) missions

The Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Managing Authority of the ENI CBC Med Programme, has launched an open tender procedure to select an economic operator in charge of implementing on-the-spot checks and ROM (Results Oriented Monitoring) missions on selected projects in the participating countries.  

For the provision of the requested services, the successful bidder shall make available a team including at least 9 experts: 1 project coordinator; 3 senior and 2 junior experts for the on-the-spot checks, 3 senior experts for the ROM missions.

24 May 2021 - 10:06

COMMON project: "Let's avoid plastic bags to save our sea turtles"

The COMMON project celebrates the World Turtle Day with its Tunisian team of National Institute of Science and Technology of the Sea (INSTM), in collaboration with the Oceanographic Museum of Salammbô, known as the appellation “Dar El Hout”, with an info day and a release of a Caretta caretta turtle.

22 May 2021 - 17:20

INNOMED-UP project launches two info points to boost Circular Economy in Mediterranean cities

The INNOMED-UP project was designed to establish two info-points in Palermo city of Italy and another in Amman city of Jordan.

21 May 2021 - 19:04

NEX-LABS 1st newsletter: discover the newly launched Agora, the digital hub of the Mediterranean Water, Energy and Food world

Highlights from this first issue:

21 May 2021 - 15:33

NEX-LABS Newsletter - Issue 1, May 2021

21 May 2021 - 15:23
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