Med-EcoSuRe - Global newsletter : Third Issue

17 May 2021 - 12:26

Med-EcoSuRe 3rd newsletter sheds light on the innovative energy retrofit process of Mediterranean university buildings

This issue includes the results related to the new synergies created with other projects and initiatives, and the actions implemented in the Mediterranean pilot universities, enabling to meet nearly zero buildings standards.


17 May 2021 - 12:11

AQUACYCLE Report on Visit to two Wastewater Treatment Plants in Nabeul Governorate Tunisia

17 May 2021 - 10:51

REUSEMED is looking for technical assistance service for the communication of the project in Spain

SADECO, the Lead Beneficiary of REUSEMED, is looking for a company to provide technical assistance to the partnership with the communication works of the project.

17 May 2021 - 10:20

STAND Up!: Meet the 40 fashion entrepreneurs selected in Spain

Creating a business alternative to fast fashion. This is the key idea behind the textile and clothing ideas selected in Spain. In total, the 40 selected entrepreneurs will follow a series of training sessions that will take place during the month of May and June.

17 May 2021 - 09:20

NEW: Note on payment methods in the framework of funded projects

The Managing Authority informs lead beneficiaries, partners and auditors of funded projects that a new note concerning payments methods has been published in the section “Support to implementation”. The document is also available here

Lead beneficiaries are invited to share this note with their partners and the project auditors. 

17 May 2021 - 09:01

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association is looking for an expert in grants under the EU-funded INVESTMED project

The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association - EMEA (Spain), partner of the EU-Funded InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean - INVESTMED project, has launched a call for an expert grants and financial schemes to review and contribute to the design and management of the INVESTMED grant scheme, in close coordination with the team leading the task and with the partners of the project.

Deadline for submission of applications: 25 May 2021

Please download the call for the full list of responsibilities and needed qualifications of the expert:

17 May 2021 - 08:27

Smart city: Kfar Saba leads cooperation in the Mediterranean region

16 May 2021 - 20:42

ESMES sets ground for developing strategies to achieve suitable energy mix in public schools in Lebanon

Within ESMES objective towards developing knowledge and operational capacities of Energy and Educational institutions to plan, implement and evaluate sustainable and cost-effective energy rehabilitations for public schools, ESMES team has conducted the first series of online consultation meetings with the National

16 May 2021 - 13:46

MoreThanAJob launches call for projects to support social and labour inclusion of vulnerable groups

MoreThanAJob is launching a call for sub-grants proposals to finance cooperation projects between Social and Solidarity Economy actors (SSE) and public administrations aiming at improving welfare and social services for vulnerable groups in order to increase their opportunities of social and labour inclusion.

Selected proposals will have the opportunity to win a grant worth € 20,000 

Look inside the video for more details

16 May 2021 - 11:06
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