Pilot action within MedArtSal project: Production of microalgae by Société SAIDA in Tunisia

Enjoy this inspiring video made by MedArtSal project team from the Tunisian company Société Saida S. A. extracting salt from the inland salina Sebkha Sidi El Heni located in the governorate of Monastir.

28 May 2021 - 14:05

TEC-MED project celebrates the International Nursing Day

TEC-MED "Development of a Transcultural social-ethical-care model for the dependent population in Mediterranean basin" celebrated the International Day of Nursing on the 12th of May 2021, at the University of Seville (Spain).

28 May 2021 - 10:29

Spain: MED GAIMS supports launching of CREA & PLAY, a new gamification and virtual reality center in Vilanova i la Geltrú

CREA & PLAY is the title of the new gamification center within Neàpolis, the innovation agency of the city council of Vilanova i la Geltrú, which works on the benefits of gamification combined with new technologies in virtual reality. Neàpolis runs the gamification center, while the i2CAT foundation leads a virtual reality lab. The center aims at exploring the use of gaming methodologies applied in different sectors of society, as it happens in the European project MED GAIMS.

27 May 2021 - 19:54

Med Pearls: key facts about the United Kingdom as a potential market for Slow Tourism

Following the series of articles about the Med Pearls research projects on the international demand for Slow Tourism (the ‘Research study on Slow Tourism international trends and innovations’ and the ‘Analysis of the Slow Tourism International Demand’), we continue with the description of the main highlights of the outbound-m

27 May 2021 - 15:47

Med-EcoSuRe launches a thematic seminar to implement innovative solutions enhancing the energy performance and indoor wellbeing in university buildings

Framework of the thematic seminar

27 May 2021 - 12:49

Spain: STAND Up! launches a call for experts for the development of an Intellectual Property Rights report

A report on the state of play and the current Spanish landscape regarding Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of circular eco-innovation in textile enterprises.

27 May 2021 - 12:14

Report: results of the survey "challenging Energy Efficiency in university buildings"

27 May 2021 - 11:53

NAWAMED highlights potential of greywater separation and reuse in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia

In the whole Mediterranean area, there is a need for new solutions to provide water and sanitation services reducing water use and wastewater discharge. 

The most promising approach to domestic water reuse considers decentralised solutions to collect, treat and reuse water without expensive infrastructures. However, the challenge for our cities is to integrate the solutions in the urban context and use low land area, as availability is limited. For that, Nature-Based solutions, such as green walls and roof wetlands, can play a successful role.

27 May 2021 - 11:42

How BESTMEDGRAPE will help Cynthia from Lebanon to fulfil her dreams?

While the economic crisis increases day by day in Lebanon, more focus is centered now on production, in a country that

27 May 2021 - 10:00

SOLE: How does collaborative financing for innovative investment projects in the energy sector work?

On the occasion of the Second Technical Seminar of the SOLE project aimed at sharing knowledge on energy rehabilitation, held online on the 30th of March 2021, Jordi Solé Muntada, Director of ECROWD, a crowdlending platform based in Barcelona (Spain) that organizations (companies, municipalities, communities, etc.) can use to raise funds to finance investments with their own collective loan campaigns, has been invited as an external expert to discuss the available tools and options concerning collaborative and blended fi

26 May 2021 - 16:22
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