AQUACYCLE ROLL UP BANNER in French (Promotional Material - Output 2.2)

07 February 2020 - 13:37

Tunisia: the MED-InA project is looking for an expert in social sciences

What    is    MED-InA?  

A 2M€ European project funded    by    the    ENI    CBC    MED    program,    which    aims    at    implementing    a    "Zero    Waste"    strategy    in   3    municipalities:    Irbid    in    Jordan,    La    Marsa    in    Tunisia    and    the    selected    municipality    within    the    Ribera    Region    in    Spain    by:     

07 February 2020 - 13:30

MAIA-TAQA brochure

07 February 2020 - 12:44

CLIMA: project kick-off meeting agenda

07 February 2020 - 12:41

CLIMA: project flyer

07 February 2020 - 12:29

CLIMA, cleaning the Mediterranean together

The CLIMA project ("Cleaning Innovative Mediterranean Action: reducing waste to boost economies") aims to adress the environmental, economic and social problems of organic waste mismanagement in Italy, Lebanon and Tunisia, developing policy tools like integrated municipal waste management pPlans, innovative technical solutions such as the compost drum and two improved pilot compost sites.

07 February 2020 - 12:28

The GIMED project is hiring!

The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) is looking for a financial manager to support the implementation of the GIMED project. For this position, it is essential to have previous experience as financial officer or auditor in projects funded with EU funds (ENI, INTERREG, LIFE, HORIZON 2020).

For more information, please follow this link (in Catalan).

07 February 2020 - 12:00

Conservation and germination of Mediterranean native grape cultivars: the BESTMEDGRAPE project develops standardized methods

In the framework of the BESTMEDGRAPE project, the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR), as part of the Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus (HBK) of the University of Cagliari (lead beneficiary of the project) is in charge of the activities related to ex situ conservation, management, seed testing and seedling development for the Mediterranean grape cultivars

07 February 2020 - 10:55

Gamification of tourism: the MED GAIMS project holds awareness events for game designers and developers in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Spain

In an effort to spread awareness about the MED GAIMS project, several events were recently held in each participating country - Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Spain - varying from ideation sessions to game jams.

07 February 2020 - 09:00

Towards Zero Waste cities in the Mediterranean: launch of the MED-InA project in Irbid, Jordan

The MED-InA project has been officially launched in the city of Irbid in Jordan. 

06 February 2020 - 16:50
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